My creative journey 9


Every journey begins with a step...and continues with countless more. There is no end to the creative path. Only progress. To get better you have to do. Your skills, your mind, your art will not get better unless you try. And trying means you will fail a lot. But, if you keep at it, eventually you will triumph, break through, and be where you want to be. Here is another step on my journey.

Gotta say, I'm just a bit tired today. I think I went to bed at 4am. Well, I know I went to sleep around 4am. I was painting until 230am or so and decided to relax my brain and let my room air out from all the fumes before going to bed. Another crazy day on my path to trying to become an amazing artist. I can't even tell you how much I enjoy creating and I hope people begin to notice so that they buy my work so that I can continue my journey :)

wink wink nudge nudge ;)

I see so many things in my head that I want to create it's not even funny. Even though my subject matter might seem rather thin, trust me, it's all building, hehe.

Last night I decided to warm up with some drawings. The first is the opening image, and this was the second. Think I'm getting a little bit better. There's something about the movement lines that are just starting to feel realer to me. But, might just be me.



I believe this was the first painting of the night. Originally it was just black, but, yesterday because someone bought a print I decided to buy some white, and this is the first result. It's kinda trippy, and you have to stare at it for a while to get it. But the image can reverse itself into either black, or white, depending on how you look at it. Hard to see in the pic, but in real life, so true. Not the best painting...but, building.


Pardon the hella blurry pic...but I guess it fits considering the subject matter. I was painting off of a subject that I found on Pinterest... a shouting face I believe, really dramatic. I can see in a lot of this image my mind getting in the way of the flow. Which is fine. Like my marker drawings, getting the lines of emotion and action are my priority...and if I wanted to 'fix' it, I could, by making it crazy like a lot of my other images. It is what it is though :)


I'm gonna be honest...the order gets a little blurry here. I was in a hyper focused state, just kinda painting. This painting is probably my favorite from the evening. It just kinda grew. At one point, I think about 5 minutes in, there was a thought in my head that said, 'iconic.' No idea what that really means, but that's what went through my head. God, so much of the power of these images is lost by being just a photography. Now I see why artists get so frustrated, hehe. Seeing something in person really is the best way. Dang these are so unplanned. There was another really cool moment near the finish of this image. I was painting some details lines on the background when there was another click in my head,' boundaries, vignette,' and so I painted around the edges, over all the cool details I had already laid down. I think it was a good choice.


Different model, another yell. Still far to go in expressing that emotion at that angle. I kind of like how the perspective turned out with this one. The angular lines, the shadows...the beginnings or anger in the lips and mouth. It feels...almost right. Need to get the mouth a lot better, so that you could see thought it for the 3d affect...probably need to ride a train for a couple hours and sketch people to get better at that skill.


So lonely, so dark. This one definitely didn't turn out as expected. My initial aim was, well, don't really want to get into it. But, I morphed it into something that I think is pretty cool, as part of a collection of what I'm doing. Gas mask, space helmet, whatever. Building, building, building.


And then I got really dark. This one I know won't translate into a picture because it needs to be seen full size from about 6 ft back to really get how dark it is. My mind was in another place at this time, stories were being written as I painted. Let me know if you can see the evil clown ;) many of my paintings feel like Rorschach you know, the inkblot test that psychologists give to check people's mental health, lol.



This is where the evening got long, I think. I was trying, but I went past where I should. Instead of being satisfied with what I'd created I got greedy. I wanted to ride the wave of emotional awesome a bit longer. I don't regret painting a couple more, but, I now know when I should stop, and be satisfied. More skills practiced, more confidence gained.

Crazy night...and it might happen again tonight. I seem to be blazing forward trying to get somewhere...but, we'll see if the lesson I supposedly learned last night about when to sit back for a minute actually takes hold. I know I need to do a lot of back-end stuff try and make money and get the website/Instagram set up for all this, and to get my guerrilla marketing started, and to shoot all of what I've created so far, rather, document. Make myself look like an upstanding fine art artist and all that, hehe.


Thanks for taking a minute to follow me on my artistic journey! I appreciate all the comments I can get so I can find out what y'all are thinking.


Previous posts:
My creative journey 8
My creative journey 7
My creative journey 6
My creative journey 5
My creative journey 4
My creative journey 3
My creative journey 2
My creative journey 1

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