Dr. Strangefur: Private Time

An Original Comic by Me

A Furry Post-Apocalyptic Sci-fi War Story
Presented for your amusement.


Afterword: This was originally done for the Networks APA. Kids "APA" stands for Amature Press Association. Before the internet, that was how comic creators shared with other comic creative types. So it's been seen by maybe 20 other people outside of my family and one associate. Looking at it today I think it still holds up artistically speaking. Since then it has been stored in a portfolio awaiting an opportunity to share it.

I have never considered myself much of a writer, just a graphic storyteller and there are definite holes in this one. To be fair to myself I was still in a "waiting for a writer" phaze. Which has always been my greatest excuse for not producing work, outside of "real work" to feed my family. So I probably wasn't as critical about my writing as I am now.

It's interesting to note the repeated themes in the work that I have posted thus far, especially with regard to the idea of masks. I did a similiar reveal in the more recent story The Big Lie , and reversed it with the stolen face in eCrime

I have a new idea for an original story. It's working title is "Agora" and it is set in a bleak but possible future, but even then there is still hope. Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading.

Content created by Robert B Kirkpatrick for Steemit.
Please read more of my work at Neopatriarch's Steem Page


biglieThe Big Lie An original noir sci-fi comic
Bus Stop a short comic about frustration with public transportation.

alienHow to Draw an Alien Head
How to Draw this Ghost

My Bitcoin Comic
Bitcoin Comic #2
Another Bitcoin Comic

Tips can be sent by Bitcoin with the QR code below.


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1 column