Day Twelve: Never Unpredict the Unpredictable Predictions.

Here we have another delightful piece of art by @nonameslefttouse the writer himself. Notice the beautiful application of white-out and the glorious transformation into what is.

People all over the world are buzzing over this magnificent contribution to society as a (w)hole.

Thoughts of passers-by include:

"I... I don't get it. I'm going home. This place was better yesterday so make sure you vote and follow before you leave."


"Nothing here makes sense, my head hurts now."

There seems to be a problem with the automatic thought provider service robot again. We'll be back after these messages.

~subliminal message about upvoting and reading previous @nonameslefttouse for enjoyment as well.~
Oh! I almost forgot! If you like any of the art you see hidden within my articles, take a moment to kindly donate some form of Steem my way. A dime is fine. Proceeds go directly into my projects and I hope to be able to afford brand name peanut butter some day. If you would like to purchase a higher quality version of an image you see, one is almost always available. Just ask in the comments below or offer a way to be contacted! Believe me, the best is yet to come. Thank you for reading this far! Something as simple as voting for what you see here WILL pay me. This isn't like Facefuck. A good comment can pay YOU. When was the last time facebook paid YOU to speak? If you sign up, they give you free money to start with. Follow me, because more shit is about to go down.

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©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

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