Quick Question #2 Where Do Babies Really Come From, and Why Did Mommy Lie?

This is episode two of an ongoing series where I, @nonameslefttouse the writer, take on the tough questions from all over the world... and You, the reader, come up with the simple answers. Sometimes the questions will be serious, sometimes not. All answers are good answers. Who knows? This might even save a life.

Standing in for @nonameslefttouse, Damien.

Oh! Hi there. So nice to see you get sucked into another great article by @nonameslefttouse. My name is Damien, your master of disguise. Hold on, they are speaking in my ear.

What!? Really!?

Well isn't this a nice surprise! There is never a dull moment here, I love my job. @nonameslefttouse the writer himself, left a message on our hotline! Let's hear what he had to say:

~music can be heard, the clanging of glass, lady laughter
Hey it's @nonameslefttouse the writer himself calling. Cough! Cough! Yeah I don't think I'm going to be in to work today. Unfortunately, I have the shits real bad. I woke up early and found out the hard way. It's 5:00 am now, I think. This happened around 3:00. I was supposed to be there for 7:00. There's shit everywhere. Since I was up so early and already showered three times, I thought I'd just head to work early. I left at 4:20 am. I'm actually sitting outside the office right now, in my car. There's shit everywhere. I don't want to leave the car because of this shit. Could you ask Damien to fill in for me? Just tell him I've had a shitty day, something came up, and I can't be there. Tell him to bring up that concern he and I spoke about last night during drinks... He'll know what I mean. Thanks, okay, bye. ..... --SO WHO WANT'S CO-- click

Well there you have it folks! Shit happens. It sounds pretty bad though, let's keep him in our thoughts.

I think I know what he's talking about. It's either this, or that thing about the body, but he told me not to mention that. So I promised I wouldn't.

@nonameslefttouse the writer, has some really big plans. He was wondering if he, and everyone else, is somehow generating income from all of those other people out there. I believe he was referring to "non-steemit" members of this great internet land. He has discovered ways to attract outside attention to his articles, like many members do. He has noticed it is working. He also noticed googling "Noobriety" makes him a "number one hit one hit wonder." He feels he has some major potential and an incredibly unique style. He knows his material draws people to steemit. Alas, they read, they enjoy, and leave feeling pleasantly offended. @nonameslefttouse the writer, wants to know if he gets some sort of reimbursement for attracting the outsider to steemit. If an outsider votes or signs up because of his article, does he get paid a little something extra? He said after his seventh beer, "I feel like a free advertisement momentarily, but I really enjoy how I spend my spare time these days."

So I'm sure many are wondering the same thing. There's a lot more to this Steemit stuff than meets the eye. Is there anyone out there who can field this one? Shed some light on the situation? Answer the Quick Question?

I'm sure someone out there knows. I hope they will answer. If you are one of the lucky readers, please intensely upvote all the best relevant answers so that we know who today's real winner is. So the lines are open....

First Caller? We're doing it live!

*~subliminal message about upvoting and reading previous @nonameslefttouse for enjoyment as well.~
Oh! I almost forgot! If you like any of the art you see hidden within my articles, take a moment to kindly donate some form of Steem my way. A dime is fine. Proceeds go directly into my projects and I hope to be able to afford brand name peanut butter some day. If you would like to purchase a higher quality version of an image you see, one is almost always available. Just ask in the comments below or offer a way to be contacted! Believe me, the best is yet to come. Thank you for reading this far!
Quick Question #1 Untitled First Episode (I bombed)

If you are one of the outsiders I speak of and would wish to leave a comment, I hope you realize you can get paid for that here as well. Don't forget to follow me. I've always got something like this up my sleeve. You will learn much. When was the last time facebook paid you to speak?

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©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

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