Haffanower: The Peace Offer

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After our hero @nonameslefttouse the writer himself was interrupted MID-article by some meth'd out wannabe delivery driver, he still has yet to see some soy sauce. Will he open the door? Let's find out...

~Spoiler alert! Start here instead. You'll still be confused, but it's a good confused.

Open The Door!

Alright, chill. Just let me get the chain thing out of the hole thing...

Oh shit! You really are a flamer. Do you have... the sauce?

Imgur I am the Peace Keeper. Protected, you can't see me!

I'm pretty sure I can see you, just saying. You stand out like a... like uhhh.
Like an instance of writers block in a Steemit article during a simile.

Hey! Have you heard about this thing they call Steemit? You can write stuff, and get paid. Like right now, all the shit you just said, that could totally earn you money, bro. Then, you can turn around and invest that money back into your words, and then... and then ... and then...

Yeah, I get that look a lot.

Imgur I do not have time to listen to your online shenanigans!
I want my Peace, and I want it now.

Your piece? I'm not just going to offer my ass to the first fiery redhead that knocks on my door asking for a piece. I promised myself I would only do that if it was the myth busting chick, nobody else. You sir, are no myth busting chick.

I've accepted the fact that this will never happen and it's been seven months since I last stared out the window, waiting. I've come a long way and I don't see why you had to bring this up.

Imgur You... are a fucking moron. Just give me, the Peace.

The piece?

Imgur Yes, the Peace, give it to me.

I didn't order any pizza. You were supposed to bring me the soy sauce for my chicken balls. What piece?

Imgur Wait. Are you saying Peace?

Yes, piece.

Imgur Peace as in, "The Nobel Peace Prize?"

No! Peece as in Peece's peanut putter pups! Just what the hell are you going on about? That guy you sell meth to, the idiot who was just here. He's starting to be someone I'd like to hang around with someday, compared to you. What do you want? Do you want this stupid picture? Give me my soy sauce and you can have this piece of shit.

Imgur So you do have the Peace?
Haffanower was telling the truth when he said he was here half an hour ago. Give me the Peace... and what is soy sauce?

If you're talking about this...

The First Peace

The deal, was soy sauce. I think it's a fair offer. Don't make me say two soy sauces.

Imgur You drive a hard bargain. The Peace is worth all this soy sauce and more.
I shall return in one half hour with Haffanower, soy sauce, and...


that was not a lazy ending, we've simply run out of time for episode four. Follow our hero @nonameslefttouse the writer himself to see where this is going, if anywhere.

(~I told you there would be prizes! I noticed episode two received many positive votes. More than I expected. The vote count was nearly equal to the number of times the image featured there was downloaded. As a token of my appreciation, I've included the 2k version of the image you saw there, here, for you to enjoy! At times, the satisfaction earned once finding out people enjoy your work far outweighs a potential profit or a new Ferrari. This was one of those times. Thank you.)

Stay tuned.



©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.

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