Haffanower: Weee-oooo Weee-oooo Weee-oooo (~Mature~ Reader Discretion Advised.)


~Welcome to Haffanower. These are the words you are now reading. This is episode ten. New here? Spoiler here. I think you'll enjoy this, so please do, but I'd recommend starting at episode one at some point. Some jokes,references and of course the story line depend on previous episodes. Most episodes are short. It should not take long, you'll be entertained along the way and end up right back here. All images are produced by me, of course. Haffanower Episode One.

Last time on Haffanower: I thought I told you fuckers to stop putting sugar in my coffee! It's one less step! I'm helping you! I'm not doing a damn thing until someone brings me my coffee, MY way! Hurry! These assholes are waiting for me to start being the best narrator in the history of narration narratives. I'm taking out the earpiece. On strike!

Thanks Nancy. Give this one a raise!

Welcome back everyone. The greatest, happiest, family friendly Haffanower, PK and our hero @nonameslefttouse, The Writer Himself messed up last time. Nothing new. Watching these assholes fuck up is becoming mainstream if you know what I mean. Big hairy purple crackhead is still smeared all over the car while they push it to the limits. Let's find out why and what's next, shall we!

Are we off? Good. I hate this fucking job. I sure like Nancy's hot coffee though! Mmmm Mmmmmm! Damn that's some fine ass coffee.

This is piss! You assholes!

Are They Behind Us!

Haffanower! Help me out here! Be my mirrors now that I don't have any!

Haffanower Can't see through all this parallax from the cracks.
I'm having flashbacks. Hemophiliacs nightmare! Turn on Tupac's last lyrical smacks! It helps me relax!

Answer the question! Help me out here, talk me through this. I don't know what to do! Should I speed?

Peace Keeper Do not speed, there is nobody behind us.
Take a left up there, by the tree, near the car, when you get past the hill, you know the place.

Wow! Those are some clear directions, PK. Should I watch for the lawn and say hi to the guy too?

Peace Keeper Ha ha ha!
At least you didn't hurt your head when we wrecked. I know where to go though. We can clean this car up and maybe get some shiny tape to reattach the mirrors. Just be careful this time. You never know when the next crackhead will jump out.

They should put reflectors on these fucking people. Look, there's another one! What the hell is she doing?


Haffanower It's her! My sweet prickly bur bur!
My red clover! Pull over! I'll give you left over!

Is this a hostile take over, Haffanower? There's no room.

Haffanower Stop or I'll pop and drop my slop in your gift shop!

Peace Keeper Just pick him up, TOWFA. She is harmless.

You guys are fucked in the head. Do you think she has any soy sauce? Haffanower, how long will this take? I just don't get it.

Watch for cops, if I see headlights, I'm thee fuck out of here and I don't care if I run over another one.

Peaches Hi boyth! Looking for a good time?

Haffanower! Ith that you! You thexthy little man you! I thought I'd never thee you again! Give me a kith!

What... the fuck?

Peace Keeper Shhhh. He does not know.

How do you not know? His cock is... out.

Haffanower Whispers are lies, guys. Peaches! What a nice surprise!
Hop in and let's begin! I got a few bucks, if I can put it on your chin?

Peaches You're tho romantic! Let'th go!

Really! Haffanower, you're supposed to be my look out man. PK, he's fired. You're hired. Where do I turn?

Peace Keeper Not this left, but your next left. Then take your first right.

I hope you know where you're going. I don't. I usually drive around Cracksville. There's a lot of nice cars around here though. Look at that one! Wow! They must be just visiting or something. Probably have family here.

Peace Keeper Oh shit! There is a cop. Act normal. Do not even blink.

The Copper

Don't blink? Are you sure that's normal? Fuck, he's going to notice the car. We're getting pulled over, man, I can see my future. That's it, I'm done. I'm going to jail. I'm going to jail. I'm going to jail. There's no soy sauce in jail.

There's no soy sauce in jail!


Listen. They pissed in a cup and gave it to me to drink. You fuckers will be lucky to see me next time. I'm sick of this shit. Nobody knows how to be professional around here. I'll fucking say it again, but this might be the last time!

Stay Tuned.

Two Insanity Productions.
When you say it, use your hand gestures. Look at your two fingers.
I just said that to you.
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