Soon: Sooner Soon than Sooner and the Right Nows

Here's my card.

~subliminal message about upvoting and reading previous @nonameslefttouse for enjoyment as well.~
Oh! I almost forgot! If you like any of the art you see hidden within my articles, take a moment to kindly donate some form of Steem my way. Proceeds go directly into future projects and I hope to be able to afford brand name peanut butter some day. If you approve of this message and would like to see yourself or your art somehow featured in it, just find a way to contact me (coming soon). Your personal contributions and donations also help me find the time to answer emails and make improvements. If you would like to purchase a higher quality version of an image you see, one is almost always available. Just ask in the comments below or find a way to contact me! Believe me, the best is yet to come. Thank you for reading this far! You will be so glad you did. Something as simple as voting for what you see here WILL pay me. A good comment is an easy way that can pay, YOU. When was the last time social media paid YOU to speak or play games or enjoy art? If you sign up, they give you free money to start. Follow me, because more shit is about to go down.

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