I think it SAW us.

piece 13TH.png

They came to destroy

They came by land, their metallic legs striding across the scorched earth. Bionanotechnology mixed with alien technology, an all seeing eye.

Today I'm sharing the 13th piece in my new project that involves painting over a jigsaw puzzle.


Over a period of 28 days I am selecting one piece of the puzzle a day to complete a design on. When all the pieces are put back together it will reveal a complete painting.

The 13th Piece

piece 13.png

This is the 13th piece of the puzzle.

Each day as I complete another piece of the puzzle the painting will reveal itself further, a piece at a time.

piece 13PL.png

Just 15 more pieces to go!

See previous pieces:

1st piece - Puzzling art2nd piece -Eye see a jigsaw
3rd piece -Puzzled windows4th piece -Puzzling UFO
5th piece -Puzzling Love6th piece -Puzzle Sign
7th piece -Puzzling Fish8th piece -Puzzling Drones
9th piece -Puzzled Cat10th piece -I SAW aliens
11th piece -Puzzling Worlds12th piece -Puzzled by it all


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1 column