"American God's " Fanart (WIP) Mr. Wednesday

From The TV Series, "American Gods."

22 x 19 inches, 190lb watercolor paper, watercolor and gouache.

I love how the clouds are turning out, I was uncertain exactly how to capture the vision I had in an idea. Ideas are intangible, you can't pick them up like a computer. So the real struggle is bringing the idea into this fleshy world and giving it life. It's kinda painful and delightful and addictive all at the same time.

Yesterday was AWESOME! The house was quiet and I was able to slip into my artsy-fartsy side of my mind with ease. No Monkey's jumping around (grand-kids). I hope they are having fun on their vacation because I am having a wonderful time while they are on vacation.

Mr. Wednesday is going to live in my library by my mythology books. I like this painting so much I am keeping it, unless someone offers me some outrageous sum of money. Most folk are not going to appreciate Mr. Wednesday and I will every time I look at him. I decided to work on one half of the painting from background to foreground because people wanted to see this or that finished. So today I will finish up the other half of this painting and spend Sunday cleaning up the piece. I will post the finished piece this coming Monday. This will be the last time I post a work in progress (wip) for Mr. Wednesday.

Thank You

Thank you for your comments, your honest and heartfelt critiques, your ideas and thoughts exploring this idea with me. I am surprised how much I love communicating in this way. I really love exploring ideas with other people, something new I discovered about myself on Steemit, besides improving my painting skill-set this last year.

Where Did Odin Come From?

Lessons on Manliness

Odin was not the first god.

Before humanity existed and even before sky or ground or wind, there existed a gaping abyss known as Ginnungagap. At one end of the gap flamed elemental fire and at the other end blew elemental ice. The cold and the heat met in the gap, and the drops formed a frost ogre named Ymir. As frost continued to melt in the gap, a cow emerged named Audhumbla. She fed Ymir with her milk, and she was in turn nourished by salt licks that formed in the ice. As Audhumbla licked away, she uncovered Buri, the first of the Norse gods. Buri had a son named Bor, who with the giantess Bestla had three sons: Odin, along with his brothers Vili and Ve. The three brothers killed Ymir and constructed the world with his corpse. The frost ogre’s blood became the seas and lakes, his flesh the earth, and his bones the mountains.

After assembling the world, Bor’s three sons also created the first humans, Ask (the man) and Embla (the woman). Odin had the most important task, imbuing the first people with spirit and life, while Vili and Ve gave the power of movement and the capability of understanding, as well as clothing and names. Because of Odin’s role in creating the Norse universe, he became known as the Giver of Life.

Sketch and Story

I started with an eye!

First Layers Of Colors

Second Layer

Mr. Wednesday's Hands

Mr. Wednesday's Ravens

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