A Story About Tyme ~ Progress On Story And Illustration

Payen The Time Killer

I'll finish inking in the drawing tonight. I don't have to cook, Friday and Saturday are my days off, whoopee!

Rendered on mixed media 11 X 14 98lb paper using pencil, pen and Ink.


Payen is Tyme's brother, his special talent is killing time. Payen's aim is always true, he never misses the mark . I used E's brother Sean for my model, he is holding an 80lb mini crossbow. E and Sean are my oldest daughters children. We are writing this story together.

This is a story about a little girl named Tyme who has been locked up in a clock. Her character is included in a link posted below.

Sid the owl stole the key to the clock. I don't know if Sid locked Tyme up or why he stole the key. Sid the Owls character, along with the clock are posted in a link below.

Looper The Frog And Turbo The Snail

This illustration is for a small children's book about a little girl named Tyme locked away in her clock. Turbo and Looper are her friends. They have very special talents. Turbo the snail can see around time and Looper the frog can jump through time. The key that Sid the owl stole will free Tyme from her prison within her clock she calls home. Turbo and Looper are on a quest to find the key to free their friend Tyme

Progression of the drawings and story ideas with drawing.

Character, Sid the Owl

Character, Tyme

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