Tarot Friday#6 – learning, growing and divine blessing, "The High Priest"

Friday again, and time for the next card in my deck from the temple of the secrets. In our "journey of the fool", a soul came into this world in the form of a new born child. We met the divine and the earthly parents and for the child, now a time of learning lays ahead... talking, walking and all the things parents teach their babies.

As this child gets older, it will go to school and here as well, it will learn all kinds of things. Hopefully it will get equipped with everything it needs to get along in the society, into which it was born. So, in this journey called our life, this card "V - The High Priest" represents learning and the teacher.


The color purple stands for the divine blessings. The figure is anchored in its world views, solid like a nail and its faith and beliefs, whatever they might be, surround it like a protective coat. The figure is looking upwards towards the light, representing its high standards and its search for wisdom and knowledge, which is also shown by the key.


Up until the card "The Emperor", I painted my Tarot cards in the proper order and followed the traditional contents rather closely. After that, I painted the cards more based on my intuition and whenever the picture formed in front of my inner eye. However, to avoid confusion, for the "journey of the fool", I will continue to post these Major Arcana in the order following their number and position in the deck.

If you are interested in the aspects of divination, please make sure to
visit @mystikmoongypsy and @tarotbyfergus

Tarot Panorama-Klein.jpg

Temple of the secrets, total size of artwork is 15ft by 45ft, unfinished


If you'd like to take a look at previous cards, you can use the following links:

"0- The Fool"

"I - The Magician"

"II - The High Priestess"

"III - The Empress"

"IV - The Emperor"

All photos/scans by me of my own artwork. The original cards are roughly
20"x40" and painted on glass in "Hinterglas" technique as described here


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