Driving Through Dusk - My First Painting Ever!

Driving Through Dusk

Driving down the long California highway
I noticed in the distance a serene magical glow
It was a pleasant way to wind down the day
The colors seemed to mix with a perfect flow

Captivated by the sheer beauty before my eyes
I wished I could preserve it for all eternity
I knew I couldn't paint but I still gave it a few tries
And the end result turned out pretty lovely

What a perfect mix of blues and oranges and greens
Casting a magical glow across the road and land
How I wish my paining could do justice to it on these screens
How I wish the gods of the arts could guide my hands

So here is my art, the first painting I've ever done
I don't know if it's actually any good
But I gave it a shot, so in my eyes, I've already won
I hope the point of my painting has been understood.


As we were driving into California on our recent road trip, the sun was beginning to set and we were getting an amazing view of the silhouette of the mountains in front of us against the backdrop of an incredible blend of colors.

I found myself completely captivated by what we were seeing right in front of us, and I suddenly had the urge to paint. I thought to myself, Damn, it's too bad I can't paint...But then I almost immediately rebutted that thought with a So what? Isn't it at least worth a shot? And you know what, it was.

So I whipped out my iPad and opened up my Sketches Pro app, unsheathed the new Adonit Jot Pro stylus that I had recently gotten in the mail, and started painting. I chose the thicker paintbrush and went into watercolor mode, setting down each layer of color on a new and separate layer. Each shade of blue is supposed to represent another level of mountain further back.

Obviously it's no van Gogh...but I don't know, I feel proud of my work. I guess I'm proud of the fact that I decided to just go with the flow and give it a fair shot. I have not painted anything before, though I've always wanted to. The weird/interesting thing is that after I painted this, my sister sent me a picture of one of the paintings she had recently done, and it was quite similar to the one you see above!

Thank you for sticking with me, I hope you enjoyed my brief little venture into visual art. :P

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