My Third Week on Steemit - I Hopped Out of the Pond and onto the Road For a While

It would appear that on my 23rd day of being on Steemit, I seem to have lost my passion for this place. It would appear being the key words there, of course. I can assure you that is definitely not the case! I knew that this third week would see a drastic lull in my progress on here, because my attention was shifted elsewhere for a good chunk of the week. I started the week off with the announcement of my contest, after realizing that I had finally hit 100 followers. I focused on getting the word out about the contest for the next few days after that, popping in and out of the various Steemit communities that I am a part of on Discord to let people know it was going on.

I managed to finally make a new Friendship In a New Age post as well, which was a win for me because I had not written a post for that blog in a week. I spent most of my time in the earlier days of the week curating content and trying to promote my contest whenever I could. However, I eventually had to shift my attention to the epic road trip I was about to embark on, so I put aside Steemit and Discord for a few days in order to take care of that.

On Thursday, I drove out to Southern California with my best friend to attend Insomniac Events' annual halloween festival, Escape: Psycho Circus. I will write about that festival experience in a new The Dancing Dreamers post soon, so be on the lookout for that! My preparations for, execution of, and return from the trip to Escape are what I consider the biggest reasons why my activity on Steemit fizzled out this week. I just had to be all in on the whole trip to make sure that everything got taken care of properly. Plus, it felt nice to be away from my main screen and work area for a few days.

We left the Salt Lake City area at around 09:15 AM on Thursday and started heading down the I-15. We drove through some pretty amazing scenery on the way down, and it was such a great reminder of just how amazingly beautiful this world is. It made me think about the powerful forces of nature that shaped the land into the phenomenal works of art that I was looking at.




I found a fascinating beauty in the contrast between the majesty of the natural world and the power of human creation.




Eventually, we found ourselves in California. While we were there, we took a trip out to Venice Beach and longboarded all the way out to the Santa Monica Pier.

We came across this guy, who was putting on an immersive show for a pretty decent crowd that was gathered in his area. It was pretty fascinating to watch as he switched from instrument to instrument and played entire songs like that on his own.


Eventually, the time came for us to head on back to Utah, and now I'm here writing this post to ensure you guys that I'm still here and I still plan on creating great content. I came back and saw that I had gained a total of 35 new followers this past week, so that was a welcome surprise. Despite my fast-paced successes in my first week and my second week, this third week seems to have brought a momentary pause, but now I have material to work with to continue charging hard into my fourth week on Steemit. Be on the lookout for my new The Dancing Dreamers posts, as I will have a lot of new content up soon! Also, stay tuned for my post announcing the winners of my contest. Thank you for reading!

!steemitworldmap 40.754539 lat -111.902618 long We're here! d3scr

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