Surreal Art Contest: Day 3


We're actually on Day 4 of the Surreal Art Contest, but I'm a little behind schedule. I promise that I'll draw another piece of surreal art tonight to make up for it!

For anyone who doesn't know, I've decided to draw a surreal piece of art for every day of the contest. No, I cannot win my own contest, but I want to participate nonetheless and work alongside my fellow contributing artists.

Here is my third piece:

Broken Window

Broken Window.jpg

Pencil on Paper
7" by 7"
January 19, 2018

Yea, yea, it's not the most original thing ever. But I don't have a lot of time on my hands. Sue me!

If you're interested in creating a piece of surreal art and submitting it to this contest, please look at the original post here.

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