Shiny Forest Ghost Sticker Series - Up In the Tree

❤ ❤ ❤ Hello Dear Steemit Friends! ❤ ❤ ❤

Here's another, kinda mysterious piece starring a Shiny Forest ghost:


Pen and ink on paper, digitally processed in GIMP, 21x29,7 cm

I enjoy imagining forest ghosts in their natural habitat, but so far I've portrayed them almost always half-hidden, still, wary and observing only. Now I've started drawing them in relaxed, playful poses. I'm calling that a progress (and also my subconscious is demanding more rest, I guess ;P)


Where do the forest ghosts stay at night? Do they have tiny houses scarced around the forest or do they sleep in some hidings of natural origin?

This one is staying inside the tree for the night. Nights in the forest can be very dark. In the background of my drawings you can see the ever-present darkness, lit with some sources of light, like trees, stars etc. This reminds me of the impression I have when thinking of dreams- like they're void of light and there's an underlying darkness in them, despite the presence of spot light. A situation that is actually typical for this universe, right?

This drawing wasn't easy to finish. I fought with my markers and pens but the result wasn't satisfactory. I even thought that this poor forest ghost may become a project to be forgotten and to be put somewhere deep in a desk drawer.

The texture was really bad, as the medium (stock paper) hasn't got a very good quality and I wasn't patient enough to craft beautiful, organized lines in the trunk of the tree. Luckily, in GIMP I trust, so I decided to treat my little buddy digitally. I found the final result to be quite promising. There is this faint touch of realism in the drawing, that feels mysterious, enticing... I'm encouraged even more to strive for a proper digital art education :)

Fortunately, some good folks of Steem Artists Discord Channel have recommended me the Design Cinema Youtube Channel as a great source of knowledge. I haven't had a chance to look into their tutorials yet, but I will probably have time at the end of April for that.

I'm very curious, how have your beginnings with digital art looked?

And now to tell something about the process of drawing :)


  • First, there was a sketchy sketch-sketch with a pencil!


  • Then there was redrawing with pen and correcting some of the imbalances in the tree's outline :)


  • Next, there was an initial shading (the dot technique is called stippling) and textures!


  • This was the point, where shading and texturing intensified... The tree bark sure looked strange at this point.


  • And it was at this stage that I realized I won't be able to obtain any better result with markers and pen only. I was too disorganized and undisciplined with my pen and the texture in the tree bark looked really fatal to me. I decided to treat my drawing with some GIMP tools.


  • After desaturation of the scan in GIMP and using a wide range of sizes, shapes and opacity levels of a brush tool, I managed to achieve the intensity, texture and depth that wouldn't be possible to obtain with traditional methods in this case.


And that's all, folks! This sticker was supposed to look scary, but I don't think that the ghost looks very afraid.


  • And here's a gif animation showing the process behind the final result.

GHOST 4.gif

Here you can see all the previous Shiny Forest ghost Stickers:

I hope you've enjoyed my Shiny Forest ghost up in the tree :)

I'm very grateful for all the kindness, support and inspiration I've received so far here on Steemit! I appreciate that a lot, guys, and as always...

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