Art Attack! #103: A Totally Normal Pair of Tacos? 🌮


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

So I've been sharing about my streaming journey on Twitch and I was lucky enough to get affiliated in just under a month thanks to our super awesome and supportive community! Affiliates get to earn money from Twitch through viewer subscriptions, ad revenue and the like, and subscribers get benefits such as an ad-free viewing experience but also access to unique emotes from the channel! So I started getting to work on said emotes and these were the first couple that I worked on!


So I've shared 4 so far and the next one I worked on was the derpy Scam one! Chat likes to make fun of me and call me a scammer, just like one of my streamer friends, Weixshann! And I really liked her emote but didn't wanna copy her exactly so I thought of a different way. These are weishann's emotes btw:


I also really liked this emote I found for my discord so I thought I'd do something similar to the sign but with SCAM written instead, and I thought it would be cool if I made it derpy-looking.


So here's what I came up with, and I thought looked pretty good! The face actually kinda reminds me of the Raving Rabbids a little bit.


And here's the timelapse:

The final one I worked on was this err.. totally normal looking pair of tacos?


Okay it's supposed to look like a bra, and the tomatoes are booba obviously. But we called it Plot because I was really scared of violating TOS in the beginning, and wasn't sure what words were taboo. And we were also talking about watching anime for the "plot" so you know. It just kinda evolved from there.

Here's a highlight:

But yeah the idea is basically a booba emote disguised as tacos. It was kinda difficult to do, especially with the angle that I had to draw the taco bra in, and I've personally never drawn boobs before, so I had to look up some references. I tried my best though! Now that I've had um, some more experience, I think more shading and highlights would make the tomatoes look rounder rather than flat. But because it's an emote it'll be quite hard to see in the chat anyway.

Here's the timelapse! I'm just glad this got approved first-time, tbh.

I think not many people actually use this emote, so I'll have to rework it, rearrange it or just replace it altogether with something else. I have a couple of ideas in mind, but with my current art backlog it will take some time before I get round to doing emotes again. Hopefully soon though!

Btw I do art streams every Tuesday on my Twitch channel, where we play art games or just chat while I'm finishing up some art, live! Feel free to come by and chat or play with us!

Thanks for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #102: Trololo and Popsicle Emotes! 🍦

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