Art Attack! #106: STONKS and Fortune Cats! 💰


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

For the past few weeks I've been sharing about my streaming journey on Twitch and I was lucky enough to get affiliated in just under a month thanks to our super awesome and supportive community! So my subscribers get to enjoy an ad-free experience and emotes that I have been designing myself!

These were my first batch of emotes that I've shared:


So there are different types of emotes such as subscriber tier emotes (from 1 to 3), and bit tier emotes, which unlock as viewers give bits to the streamer. A bit is a cheer you can send to streamers that you buy with real money from Twitch and it costs a cent. And I was fortunate enough to have people support my streams enough to get the 10K bit tier emote! It's so insane how generous my viewers are and I'm always super thankful for them.

Last week, I shared the process behind 2 of the bit tier emotes so here's the last one I did for 10K:


So the idea behind this one was based on the stonks meme that I'm sure you've seen somewhere on the internet. But it's something like this:


Source: Pinterest

There's practically infinite number of stonks memes since they can be applied to everything and they're pretty funny most of the time. So I thought it'd make for a cute emote! But since emotes are quite small and limited to 500x500px I don't include the background since it was just going to be my cat as the stonks man.

I wasn't sure if just drawing my cat in a suit was enough, so I drew it with dollar signs for eyes and wrote the word "stonks" too just to make it clear. Here's the timelapse:

Last week, I shared about the Johnny emote I did in tribute of one of my most generous viewers, JohnnyAsunsion8222! I drew a reference to The Shining meme and made it the 5K bit tier emote since he was the only user to have that at the time.


But after a couple of months, he didn't really come around the stream anymore and since there were other users who could also use the emote I thought I'd change it so it'd be more general and I thought of another emote I could make. I wanted them to be money themed since they're bit-tear emotes and Sean gave me an idea to draw one like a fortune cat since I am a cat! I'm sure you've seen a fortune cat before but they have an arm that moves up and down like this:

But since it's not animated I thought of just drawing it holding something like a moneybag! And I also wanted to incorporate a gold bar in there somewhere so I drew my cat biting it, sort of.


And of course I had to include that classic fortune cat bell collar! I thought it came out pretty well and I drew star eyes cos you know, shiny things I guess?

Here's the timelapse:

So here's the first full emote showcase I did! It was really fun thinking of emote ideas and seeing them in chat!


I've been working on others and have done some revisions since then but I think we'll take a break from sharing emotes and go onto regular artworks for a while. So stay tuned!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!
Art Attack! #105: It's Raining Moneys! 💸

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