Art Attack! #117: Picnicking with our Favourite Doggos! 🐶


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

So if you're unfamiliar with my art posts, most of my art tend to be presents for my friends! It's always so difficult to buy things for people these days since everything is pretty much readily available online, and buying things just doesn't feel personal to me so I tend to opt for drawing something instead! Nothing more personal than a one-of-a-kind artwork I think!
Just like this insane art piece I did for one of my gaming buddies' birthday in 2020:


And when it comes to my partner Sean, I never know what to buy for him so I end up drawing stuff he likes and I think it shows how much I know him when I do.

So for New Years' I gifted him one of the biggest art pieces I'd ever done, which of course is based on all his likes - arcades, Dance Dance Revolution and the vapourwave aesthetic.


He loved it so much I was so stumped on what to draw for him next so it was tough. But I'd been meaning to do a tribute to all our favourite internet doggos and thought it'd be perfect for his birthday! We follow quite a few doggos on instagram and are always sending each other cute and derpy doggo videos to make each other smile. 😊

So to honour that, I thought of drawing us together with all our favourite doggos! Initially my idea was to draw us in a park in Japan having a picnic with all our favourite doggos with a shrine in the background:


The only problem was there was just too many doggos! I tried to include as many of them as I could and had to choose the ones we'd been following the longest and who never fail to make us laugh.

I initially wanted it to be a square so it would fit perfectly on instagram but that proved too difficult with how many doggos I wanted to include so I had to resketch it and maximised my whole canvas.


After outlining, and colouring in the trees using the same method I used previously in an earlier piece, this was the result!


After cleaning up the overlapping lines, we get this and then it was ready for colouring!


And after many layers and hours of colouring, we get this! I drew Mt Fuji in the back with cherry blossoms and us wearing our would-be couple T-shirts had Sean managed to find a LINE Friends Brown shirt at Uniqlo back in the day..


I think it came out pretty well although I probably should've blended some of the dog coats better. But if you actually see the doggos and reference pictures I used you'd see it is somewhat accurate.

And here they are, going clockwise from left to right:
Our favourite partners in crime - the famous disapproving corgi Speedy Peterson and Mikhail Glinka who are renowned for guarding the fence against Surly Chihuahuas and looking for vodka kibbles!


The derpiest floofiest toy poodle we've ever seen - Kokoro!


Our favourite duo from TexasPommySquad - Cardi P and Whoopty Woo!


The chonky sandal boi - Wabooe

The derpiest corgi - Shotgun and his friend Bambam:


One of the silliest and cutest pomeranians - Pomkori doing her signature butt slide:


Another silly poodle who always makes funny faces while growling - Arang


Shila and Eddie on our laps with Shila holding a sock in her mouth:


And last but not least, MayaPolarBear in the front and center looking adorable as always!


Here's the full picture once more so you can compare and see how well I did with drawing the doggos!


And of course, here's the full timelapse! It's quite long since this piece took me quite a long time but it was definitely worth it imo beceause Sean loved it!

In fact, he loved it so much that he printed it out onto a T-shirt just for us for my birthday! It's the first time I ever had one of my artworks on a shirt like that and it was so surreal to see my design in real life!


But I loved it so much and we've worn it quite a bit since then too! I don't think anyone else will get it but it's cute and we love it and that's most important. I can't wait to have more designs of mine printed out though; perhaps more to come in the future?

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #116: Cat Girl and Derp Cat 😻

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