Art Attack! #65: Linktober 2020 Day 26 - Key/Map/Compass


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

We're still continuing on with my Linktober series, this time with Day 26 - Key/Map/Compass! If you're unfamiliar with this challenge, Linktober is a spinoff of the monthly art challenge, Inktober, where there's a daily prompt and you're supposed to do an ink drawing everyday based on the prompt!


Source: Linktober Tumblr

I actually started this challenge a little late, unfortunately, but I started from day 20 and tried my best to keep up the streak to the end of the month. So far so good, but it was definitely a challenge doing a piece a day since I draw pretty slowly, but I tried my best!

Anyway, day 26 was a little weird since it was just key items you get in dungeons - the map, key and compass. But they are definitely staples in every Zelda game in the franchise so I get it. I thought it'd be boring to just draw the items themselves then I thought of something.. weird.

One of the first things that came to mind was Dora the Explorer for some reason. I guess because of the Map being in both Zelda and Dora? So I did a quick google search and found this picture and thought it'd be perfect to recreate but with Link and the key items!


And instead of Dora's bag pack, Link would carry the items in a bag pack modelled after the Hylian Shield! There are actually such bag packs I've seen being sold at Nintendo stores and online that look so cool!


Source: Pinterest

So anyway, I decided to take a different approach this time, since the last time I drew and coloured a human (which was for the Zelda piece) it was pretty bad, so I decided to try it out with digital art this time!

But unfortunately, digital art couldn't save me because I can't draw humans for crap, as you will see. Here's my first draft:


He didn't look the best, but I didn't know how else to change him, so I decided to outline it first and see. For the font, I actually used the Breath of the Wild font and thought it looked pretty good!


Then it was time to get colouring! I modelled him after Toon Link from Wind Waker and digital art makes it so easy to colour source so I don't need to worry about mixing colours!


Thankfully Link himself only really has 3 colours, green, yellow and beige.


I colour sourced for those items from pictures I found online of the actual key items in-game and from pictures of the actual Hylian Shield bag pack!


I didn't know what else to draw and I wanted to keep it simple since I was a little behind, so I cropped the image to 1:1, and I changed his eyes a little bit to make him look less derpy and cross-eyed. I think I managed it better this time!


The background was looking a little plain though, so I decided to draw something like a portal behind him so it looks like Link is about to enter into a different realm on an adventure!


And that's it! I did this so much quicker on digital art since I didn't have to worry about colour sourcing and the many woes of physical art. So I decided to go digital for the other prompts I attempted. The next one is quite the doozy and is also one of my favourites pieces I've done to date so stay tuned!

Thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!
Art Attack! #64: Linktober 2020 Day 25 - Ruins

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