Art Attack! #68: With you, I'm home 🏡


Hey Steemit!

We're back again with another Art Attack! If you're new to the series, this is where I share my drawings and the process behind them. A behind-the-scenes look at my artwork, if you will. This is not to say that I'm very good at art, or that I'm a professional in any way. In fact this is the opposite, and serves as a reminder to how I first started, and lets me track my progress too!

Last couple of weeks, I've been sharing a couple of pieces I did for Linktober 2020, which is a daily art challenge that is also a spinoff of the monthly art challenge, Inktober, where there's a daily prompt and you're supposed to do an ink drawing everyday based on said prompt!

Anyway, before that whole challenge started, we were really busy irl since we just got into our new house! After months of administrative paper work, planning out designs, looking for furniture and talking with designers and contractors, we finally made the big move and was busy for quite a while getting everything setup and settled.

It was a lot of work and probably the biggest thing we've ever done and biggest expense of our life, but totally worth it! Anyway, I thought of drawing a special piece to commemorate this biggest and most important step in our life.


So the first thing I thought of was definitely Animal Crossing: New Horizons since we both have houses on my island in that game and I absolutely loved it! And I thought a nice piece would be just us in front of the house! But since my house is the fully upgraded one and I just wanted the small simple house I had to screenshot Sean's house instead. It mimics our house irl too since it is pretty small, but cosy and comfortable enough for both of us.

So I just took the screenshot from my island and traced an outline:


They didn't have something like my hairstyle in ACNH so I had to tweak it a little bit. And I also had different plans for our outfits! Since the outline was already done, it was time to colour Sean! I thought of making his skin tone a little darker to match his actual skin tone, but I thought it became a little too orange so I went with this instead.


I gave Sean a Brown shirt (from LINE Friends) which is actually based on an actual UNIQLO shirt that we've wanted to find for the longest time! Ever since he saw and bought a Sally shirt for me, we've wanted a Brown shirt for him so we could match! But alas, when he bought the Sally shirt for me, the Brown shirt was sold out in his size and it hasn't been back in stock ever since! Truly unfortunate. So I thought it'd be nice to draw us wearing the matching outfits instead.


But I changed mine into a dress since I thought it would look cute with my character! And I actually really like how the short flare dress looks like in ACNH and it's always my go-to outfit.


I also decided to give us slightly different hair colours compared to just black like irl, since it would look nicer. After adding shadows and highlights to our faces and clothes, it was time to start working on the house!


I wanted the house to mimic our actual house colours, but I couldn't think of how, so I just went with our favourite colours which are blue and orange! But in contrast to my own light blue roof in ACNH, I chose a darker one to match the special wall colour we chose in our actual house.


I looked for phrases to match and came up with a bunch of different quotes, but ultimately decided on "with you, I'm home" because it's simple, sweet and true!


One of the last things to do was the background! I didn't really want to make it too complicated, so I decided to mimic the colours of the classic Windows XP background! You know the one.


And after adding shadows and a couple of finishing touches, we're done!


I really liked how this piece came out! The details on the house, the colours, the shadows; everything turned out pretty much how I envisioned! I probably should've moved the words a little more or something, but unfortunately Clip Studio Paint was kinda inflexible on that.

This was actually supposed to just be a draft I did for a piece I was going to do for our blackboard, but it turned out pretty nice so I just decided to colour it! And the actual blackboard piece didn't turn out so well since it's chalk and man, is it tough to draw with chalk.

But oh well, I did my best and this was the result:


Definitely not the best, and it doesn't look like what I wanted, but close enough I guess. I'm not sure how else I can change it to make it better other than redrawing our heads or something? Hmm.

Anyway, that's all for this post! Hope you enjoyed it and thanks so much for reading!

To find out more about me, check out my intro post here!

Check out my previous post in this series!

Art Attack! #67: Linktober 2020 Day 31 - Trick or Treat! 🍬

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