Submit Your Application to be an ArtSearch Curator!

@TheNewAlchemists are seeking Art Curators for our ArtSearch curation initiative! This is a call for applications.

The New Alchemists (TNA) will be curating a high standard of creative work via the ARTSEARCH WEEKLY DIGEST (scheduled to begin Monday, April 16).

OUR MISSION The New Alchemists make experiential, multidisciplinary art that brings stories that need to be told to life with courage, compassion, humanity, and heart.

OUR GOAL is to demonstrate the transformative power of all modes of art and performance (from creative writing to comedy, or from painting to performance art).

OUR TARGET AUDIENCE is an inclusive community of intersectional artists, collaborators, and free thinkers.

Art Curator Duties & Gig Details

(1) You will be assigned to 1 or more art categories (see below).
(2) Every 2 weeks you will select 7-10 artists in your category to feature in a post, to be published on @TheNewAlchemist steemit account.
(3) Curators will receive a 50/50 payout split on each post authored!
(4) We encourage curators to creatively promote their own work.

We will focus on the following steemit art categories:

Creative Writing (fiction, poetry, playwrighting, spoken word etc)
Performance (theatre, dance, comedy, improvisation)
Visual Arts (painting, sculpture, modern craft, etc)
Music (all musical styles and genres)

Application Requirements

To submit your application to be an ARTSEARCH CURATOR, please create a post answering the following questions. Leave a link to your post here in the comments and be sure to tag @TheNewAlchemists and @LilyRaabe so we can easily find your work!

(1) What are your core values as a curator?
(2) What role should art and culture play in our society?
(3) What categories of art would you like to cover, and in what language(s)?
(4) And because all hard work deserves a reward: what is your favorite meal to eat when you want to "treat yourself"?

Equity Statement

The New Alchemists believe in radical inclusion of all people. On that note: our site will not be limited to English-language content. We strongly believe that great art transcends language. We highly encourage artists and creatives writing and working in other languages to apply as curators. For example: we are already in conversation about a Spanish art curation series with several artists.

JOIN THE NEW ALCHEMISTS DISCORD CHANNEL --> It’s for artists and creative minds of all backgrounds!

Find out more about us.

Logo Contest | Design the ArtSearch Logo for @TheNewAlchemists!
Artsearch Weekly Digest | Introduction and Call for Curators!
Getting to Know The New Alchemists
New Outlet for Performing + Visual Artists on Steemit

Hi friend! Thanks for stopping by, I’m really glad you’re here!

I’m an artist, writer, and creative consultant based in the Pacific Northwest. I'm also the Artistic Director of The New Alchemists! You can check out my intro post, read more about the theatre projects I work on, or follow me! I’m especially interested in finding other performing artists on this site. If that’s you, please say hello! See you around the steemosphere! @lilyraabe

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