Fallen giant (original art)


I wrote a second poem last night. The first one was free form but this time I decided to experiment with a tanka. It's a Japanese form of poetry and is closely related to the haiku. You can read the poem here.

Like last time, I made a painting to go with it.

The poem was about a horse I loved very much and lost far too soon. I had closer up of an eye and decided to use that for a subject.

Most of my paintings tend to be careful and deliberate. I build up pigment light layers to get it just right without losing the delicacy I love so much. This time, I experimented with harsh brushstrokes and more saturated colours.

I began by applying a first layer to the eye itself.


I then began adding layers to the eyelids.



I built up more and more saturation...


And then it was time to add in the pupil. This part always scares me.


It was too heavy so I ended up lifting some pigment off the paper and add more to the iris.


I added darker pigment to the outer corner and faded everything a little bit, because that's what's happening in my mind as well. My memories of her begin to fade and go blurry just a bit.


I wanted this image to reflect that.

For a first time trying out a bolder way to handle the brush, I really do like it it. Hope you guys do too!

Would you like to see more of my paintings? Check out my Poppy, Tulip, Violet and Butterfly Mask.



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