Conclusion of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY / Episode 14 / Every door that's been opened will be closed


Welcome to the last episode and conclusion of THE JUJU GUM CONSPIRACY.
By coming to my humble page right now you are witnessing the end of the first ever full length feature film with a status of world premiere, released peer to peer on Steemit and "arguably" on the Blockchain at large...

I take pride in having been a disruptive creator for years and often led the path throughout my life for original artists and content creators. Today is no exception because, I guarantee you, many will follow.

Pay attention to the credits, beside my name there is only one other name related to the production and creation of this thing: @juliakponsford. She is the co-everything on this and without her, there would be no JUJU. I fell in love with her 18 years ago and to say that this film is our ugly little bastard child couldn't be more true. I can't pay enough hommage as well to the beautiful 80 actors and extras that were so generous with their time, their performances and their patience as we sat on the project for almost a full year after completion.
I hope some of them are reading these lines and enjoyed the film as much as I enjoyed working with them.

We are blessed by the support we got from the steemit community, not counted in rewards but by the amazing comments, reviews and overall love we received.
We never met you but we consider you our close friends forever.

@vachemorte and @juliakponsford

If you just joined us please start with EPISODE 01


Episode 14: Every door that's been opened will be closed

This post completes our exclusive Steemit WORLD PREMIERE, the last of this 14 original episode series. We will keep the video links active until February 8th. This week I will also share my thoughts on this first of this kind premiere of a feature film on the blockchain and the full soundtrack from the film as well.

*Disclaimer: Some people have had changes in behavior such as agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion while chewing JUJU GUM. If you notice some of these changes continue chewing JUJU GUM and get medical attention at some point but no need to rush.

Behind the scenes series posts by co-creator @juliakponsford:
the script / the casting / making the props / locations / outside promotion

Our interview with INFAMOUSLY FAMOUS MAGAZINE about this first ever feature film WORLD PREMIERE on STEEMIT.

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