Week #11 Fox Tales : Announcing the next story image and winners!

If you love writing stories then this contest is for you! Write a one paragraph story about the image pictured above. Be creative, think outside of the box, and follow the contest rules! 

Here are our winners for week #10!

A big thank you to @bleedpoet for being our guest judge for the week, coming up with the ‘hidden message’ theme, and contributing 5 STEEM to the prize pool! I was able to spot @holothewise’s hidden message (super clever!) but the other two winners will have to let me know if they had a hidden message included. 

1st place // @holothewiseWatchers

It was the pink one today. Trailing after her like a wisp of candy floss flickering in the wind. So, it's going to be a funeral, she thought. Always the pink one for death. Last time it had been the black one, and that meant cake. Like it or not, however, the pink one meant she'd be getting that phone call again. Informing her someone had died. Never look at them directly, she reminded herself. Yasmin knew, looking at the phantom cats just made it worse. On some strange level, validated their existence. Unless she moved faster it would catch up to her too and she wasn't sure what that might mean, only that it couldn't be good. Run. Heeding the command she began pelting down the slick, cobbled streets attracting curious stares from passer's by. Even running, it kept up. Angling to catch her eye by floating just at the corner of it, a meter up now. Down an alley. Dashing into a doorway. Alright, she thought, I'm home. Rarely did they follow her here. Latch the door. In the dark, her heavy, panting breaths. Nothing awaited her as she finally opened her eyes.Go, her inner voice prompted, go wait by the phone.

2nd place // @geekpoweredSarah The Wisp

Sarah was born a frail wisp of a girl. The doctors didn't give her a year. Her mother said she had too many dreams to die. But that's all she could ever do, sit in bed, dreaming as she drew a world unknown to her. It had been so long since she had visitors though, so she sat alone, until the day she heard a great commotion. She walked down the stairs, to see the house full. She perked up and asked what was the hubbub, only to be met with a blood curdling scream, from her now grey mom. You see, more than 30 years before, she had been the one to find Sarah dead in bed, when she last visited that door.

3rd place // @emdesanThe Living Doll

Walking in the asphalt sidewalk, she stopped and looked at the sky to see that it is nearing dawn. She needs to hurry back before sunrise arrives as that could mean death for her. Three blocks more, the woman stopped at a closed boutique. She looked around once more and reminisce again the night she had; where she met a man named Raphael and danced the night away at a local club with him. He asked for her number but she couldn't give him one, so instead promised that she will come back the next night. With this, she opened the door which appeard to be unlocked then positioned herself in the store window. She sighed heavily as the sky clears. Her last thought was keeping her promise to Raphael as the sun rays hit her turning her back to a lifeless mannequin.

So here is my finished not perfect fox tales image. I was having such a hard time coming up with this week’s drawing. I wanted the sketch to be interesting and had to start over several times. I finally settled but I bit off more than I could chew. I’m banking on completing this image on a later date, hope you guys don’t mind!

Next week I’ll be doing a mini collaboration with @tarotbyfergus. I’m going to keep it a secret for now but I’m hoping that everyone will enjoy it!

A portion of the prize pool is a contribution courtesy of @artwatch! Thanks so much for helping to sponsor this writing contest! Please give @artwatch a follow! 


1st // 5SBD 

2nd // 3SBD 

3rd // 1SBD 

Contest Rules:

Resteem this post.

Create a separate post with your ONE PARAGRAPH stories and use the #foxtales tag.

Feel free to use the current story image for your post.

Submit your post in the comment section below.

Maximum of 3 entries - only one story per person will qualify for a portion of the prize pool so everyone has a fair chance.

The length is to your interpretation. There is no real ‘rule’ of how long a paragraph is but I’d say to use your best judgement. If it doesn’t flow right and you know that it is indeed going over then edit your writing.

Deadline // Saturday January 20th //  5:00 UTC

Thanks for stopping by and good luck to those who decide to participate!

Do you have any questions? 🦊

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