Sarah The Wisp - Fox Tales Week 10 contest entry

This is my entry in this week's Fox Tales contest. Hope you like it.
Click Here to access the Fox Tales Week 10 contest.

Image created by @vermillionfox

Sarah the Wisp

Sarah was born a frail wisp of a girl. The doctors didn't give her a year. Her mother said she had too many dreams to die. But that's all she could ever do, sit in bed, dreaming as she drew a world unknown to her. It had been so long since she had visitors though, so she sat alone, until the day she heard a great commotion. She walked down the stairs, to see the house full. She perked up and asked what was the hubbub, only to be met with a blood curdling scream, from her now grey mom. You see, more than 30 years before, she had been the one to find Sarah dead in bed, when she last visited that door.

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