Week #18 Fox Tales : Announcing last week’s winners and a new story image!

If you love writing stories then this contest is for you! Write a one paragraph story about the image pictured above. Be creative, think outside of the box, and follow the contest rules! 


Skip past them to read more about the contest and this week’s story image! :)

Oh, my! Last week’s story image inspired so many incredible stories! I was juggling between 6 stories and had to revisit them several times before I could pick a clear winner. Above is last week’s story image and below are the stories to go along with them. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to everyone who participated! 

1st place // @seesladenTaboo...

Ned looked unsure as I knelt and reached for his belt. In one fell movement I had it unfastened and his briefs visible. I kept my eyes glued on his as I slowly peeled off these to set free his more confident and eager member. I didn't need to look down, I knew what I was doing, and something told me Ned did too. For when we had kissed earlier, he had seemed cocksure about it all; literally and figuratively. And bar the current look in his eyes, it had always seemed to me in the past that he wished for this to happen. Well, today would be his evidence that wishes do come true. So I kept my eyes riveted on the face of my sister's boyfriend as I spat and sucked then pulled; again and again and again. And at that glorious moment when I felt rather than hear him call out my name, I knew it for a fact, and he must have done too. Ned may not be outright gay, but the look of pleasure on his face as his release serenaded that of his girlfriend's brother was enough to quell any impending doubts; Ned was bisexual, and our escapades had only just begun.

2nd place // @artwatchOrgy of Kisses

This was the first party I had ever gone to where it was just an excuse to make out with strangers. Rocky's parties always kinda ended up getting a bit debaucherous after all. As several of us lounge on the guestroom bed, getting good and drunk, I felt someone draw my hair back over my shoulder. She started to kiss my earlobe, then the boy on the other side of me started undoing my shirt. I had placed myself in the middle of the group, not realizing I had placed myself at the center of attention. Suddenly, I was the focus of many hands. They gesture and place my body into the middle of the bed gently and I felt like the main course on a dinner table. The girls ran their hands through my hair slowly and the boys sniffed my skin. I felt bites and sucks all over my body, some of them just watched while they sat on the bed and drank. One of the boys grabbed at my panties and I said, "No" but he kept being persistent. As much as I was enjoying the attention, I wasn't ready to be fucked by a bunch of strangers, that I hardly knew. So I said "No." a second time and the butch girl, that was sensually biting at my neck, looks down at the fella disgruntled and straight up punched the kid in the face. "She said NO, idiot!" He starts to drunkenly sob on the floor. "BUT I NEVER GET FUCKED!" he cried pathetically, and the moment was lost and we all decided to head back to the party. Later that night when having a shower, I marveled at the number of hickeys the several of them had bestowed on my body. I had to wear a scarf around my neck for a week after that.

3rd place // @chinyerevivianFaces

It started as a joke, Richard and I, over beer bottles. We were lanky boys, slowly growing into men."You can't do it, Mofe. You don't have the balls," Richard had dared me. I smirked and gave him the middle finger. A bet was struck. The first day we walked in, we were greeted by a sea of expressionless faces. Angry businessmen shamefully shuffling out the door to begin their day of unbearable numbness and despair. Half-finished bad coffees forgotten as men hastily zip themselves up, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Desperate underpaid sex workers getting their heads pushed into stinky crotches. Richard nodded and took the opposite direction. That was when I spotted her. I liked Kay. Her tawny eyes; her soft blonde hair tied into a bun. Above all, her lyric moans as she carried out her duty. Then one day, she disappeared. I didn't ask. You never do. I never stopped going back. With each visit, I sank more into myself. Like I said, it was only a joke, nothing more.

Hello, writers! Sorry I’m posting this a little later. It’s currently 2 AM here and I have no regrets about making last minute changes to week #18’s story image! 

I was unsatisfied with every sketch I had done earlier this week and wanted to come up with something fresh. This week, I wanted to go with a loose sketchy feel and I wanted to challenge myself by placing my characters in a specific setting. I did okay. I hope everyone enjoys this week’s image! I can’t wait to read your stories!


1st // 5SBD 

2nd // 3SBD 

3rd // 1SBD 

Contest Rules:

Upvote & Resteem this post.

Create a separate post with your ONE PARAGRAPH stories and use the #foxtales tag.

Feel free to use the current story image for your post.

Submit your post in the comment section below.

Maximum of 3 entries - only one story per person will qualify for a portion of the prize pool so everyone has a fair chance.

The length is to your interpretation. There is no real ‘rule’ of how long a paragraph is but I’d say to use your best judgement. If it doesn’t flow right and you know that it is indeed going over then edit your writing.

Deadline // Saturday March 31st // 5:00 UTC

Thanks for stopping by and good luck to those who decide to participate!

Do you have any questions? 🦊

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