“Height-field” : Collaborative Art Project (@everlove)

Collaborative Art on Steemit

... is such an exciting opportunity for open dialogue among creatives and curators. I'm fascinated by it and wanted to have a go at this great initiative hosted by @everlove.

Here is my interpretation of everlove’s original photograph, which we were asked to reinterpret (linked here). I was interested in visualizing the image as a map, a textural environment seen from above. The overlapping and interwoven red reeds seemed to crave a sense of depth. As an urban planner, I enjoy discovering and building 3D patterns out of seemingly chaotic 2D strokes and textures. Here is the result, below:

About the Process

First, the original image was pixelated in photoshop and reduced down to sixteen color tones. Each color variation was then mapped with a corresponding height by using a digital modeling software. The result - a funky and dynamic kind of city-scape...

follow me @voronoi | design collective @hitheryon

> curiously exploring the digital world of art + architecture + urbanism + blockchain <

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