“Iridescent Contours” : Collaborative Art Project (@everlove)

Here is my interpretation of @everlove’s original photograph (linked here). Her image of colorful broken glass focuses on a mound of shards in the foreground and softens out-of-focus towards the background. In this digital modeling project - I wanted to reconstruct the image as a single smooth surface that reflected the iridescent character of the background.

In order to amplify these softened characteristics - I used a digital modeling software to read the bright and dark hues as highs and lows. (Similarly to my last interpretation of Everlove’s work, here!) The result is a colorfully contoured landscape.

Progress & Process

Here are images of the work in process, beginning with @everlove’s original image, below:

follow me @voronoi | design collective @hitheryon

> curiously exploring the digital world of art + architecture + urbanism + blockchain <

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