Winners of ARTchallenge#3! New Theme Announcement. No Need To Be an Artist or an Art Expert to Join This ARTchallenge!

Today will be an interesting surreal artist from Poland: Igor Morski.
One of his works I liked to get acquainted with him.

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I want to thank everybody for participation. You can't even imagine how you impress me all the time. I am very happy that I have started this artchallenge as it gives me and, I hope, others so much. It is almost like to read short stories. And they are so different. And talented.

The task was to give the interpretation to the surreal painting by Vladimir Kush who is called Russian Salvador Dali:

enter image description here
Vladimir Kush

And you killed me with your versions in good way. It was extremelly difficult to be a judge again, so if anybody wants to help me next time you are welcome!)). This challenge was judged by me and again my husband. And we decided to add honourable mentions. And even with mentions it was extremely difficult. Really! God! You are all so talented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would add 2- 3 more mentions but I would like to keep some STEEM for the next challenge.


Honoroubale Mentions - 5 STEEM


I think that Vladimir painted here one destructive relationship and
here's why. Male and female in this painting are connected only at
their root chakra, and we know that chakra represent our primal,
animal urges meaning that this couple got attracted only physically,
but not spiritually. In addition to this, they both hold their own
space, their dreams and hopes to themselves, without connection. Their
relationship, their ''dance'' will eventually cut through all the love


Together we can cut through anything.
Separate we are cutting each other to pieces.
Separate our love for one another decreases.
Together we are paired to have offspring
Separate we die > never to create our masterpieces.


Two halves, essential parts of the whole. The yin and the yang. The
masculine and the feminine. Walking together and alone above it all.
Life in balance—supported by common core values. Raising hands in
exaltation, opening our hearts, while slicing through the rules and
all of the ideas we have had about life and especially relationships.
Everything we thought we have ever known is reinvented as we come
together, raw, vulnerable and real. Showing up to each other as our
authentic selves we create the world of our dreams. Dancing as one the
experience of a harmonic, heavenly existence.


They can never go far from each other but what little distance they can achieve is always closed back up before long. Every time they return to each other, something is destroyed (cut up) in the process but they can’t help their combined nature. Together they are scissors, separately they would be knives.

I also highly recommend to check the post and listen to the song! It is amazing! Thank you!!!!!!
ARTchallenge @aksinya - NEW - #2 Poem turned into song and video to sing along - by @wordsword

Words remain on paper
Never tell the truth
They are just lies and promises
Made up in our youth
But we just keep on dancing
Come close and then we part
To cut up all the promises
We made not with our heart
And as we keep on dancing
Maybe one day well see
That all those cut up promises
Set us somehow free
Let's just keep on dancing
Let's risk to hurt our hearts
Before the dance is over
And our blades must part

I called it; Dance by a thousand paper cuts It's of course from the
saying; Death by a thousand paper cuts which means something like
writing down a thousand times; what your gonna do and how your gonna
do it, in the meanwhile not doing anything at all which is almost the
same as being dead, not having done not having lived.
This is how I see life. And of course relations, cause they are life
to me. We make in relations commitments on paper but they don't mean a
thing. They are only trying to solidify things which can't be
solidified. Because then they die. If you look at a marriage contract
for instance it is just a bunch of words on paper. Even the poem in
the painting itself, that describes really well how a relationship
might work, becomes useless the moment you make it a dogma or law, to
let the other live by, in the relationship. The relationship is always
a moving thing just like a dance. And if you start to dance in the
relationship you see that that IS the relationship, not the writing
down that you should; "dance" in a relationship, how to "dance", what
he should do, or she should do, that would be dying by a thousand
paper cuts without ever having the experience of life or should I say
love;). The painting describes this me....the pair is
actually two separate blades bound together, they have understood that
by attracking and letting go, it's possible to have a joyous live
together by dancing. They might have wrote down in their youth a lot
of wisdom's (which could have become dogma's) but they didn't die,
they got conscious that they needed to forget all the wisdom's,
dogma's and it could only be done by dancing...moving..cutting through
the wisdom's as a pair of blades which become scissors. And by just
doing that, they found that the seesaw movement of life, or love, is
the thing that keeps it joyous. If you accept that your idea or
ideology of an ideal relationship gets cut up, in other words; you get
hurt by the reality of the relationship, you might get the love you
never knew existed.....or should I say the life you never knew existed
;) .. Actually this has similarity
with another philosophy in my live. All the papers in the world,
written or even unwritten laws by humans that you need to obey or
die,... are useless. If you live your life in blind obedience you just
as well might be dead. That's how it feels for me anyway. I like to
live my life unbound by any laws, and finding out through living my
life, experience and trust, which things are good, and which things
are bad for me..or for me to do. Life's about testing, learning,
failing, learning, dancing, learning, fighting, learning....etc.
Living is not living by someone else commands/dogmas. I fight
that...... I might get hurt, but it's my freedom or I might as well
say it's life. (with words of course) Freedom is life... blind
obedience/slavery.... is death. This is my current philosophy . But
it's just a bunch of words on paper......where are the scissors;) P.S.
Maybe you find the song not classy enough for the painting..... Well
bad luck ;P. I could have also made a song called; We're screwed…...
in the middle! Imagine that hahaha.


THEME FOR ARTCHALLENGE #4 will be a surreal photo by Igor Morski:

enter image description here
Igor Morski

The RULES are very easy.

  • Write a comment with your interpretation of the photo I posted. I will be very happy if you want to make a separate post with the tag #artchallenge. Please don't forget to leave a link to your post in the comment to this post.
  • You can make up to 3 versions
  • End of challenge will be Sunday at 12:00 noon (UTC +3).


  • Winner - 30 STEEM
  • Second place - 20 STEEM
  • Third place - 10 STEEM


I would like to THANK again those who supported this challenge.

Please VOTE and RESTEEM this post.

I will be also very happy to any support of the artchallenge! If you want to be a judge or a sponsor, you are very welcome!

Thank you again for your support! Let us have fun together.

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