How to Properly Post Art - Tutorial by @SteemPH & #ArtGuildPH


There are different ways you can post your artwork on Steemit. Although it really differs from person to person since all of us are very unique and have different work styles, I'm going to share with you the 2 best ways to properly post artwork on Steemit. This is my opinion based on what I see on the platform.

Keep Holding On, art by @algiejacob

Process Post

A "Process Post" as what it's commonly referred to is when you share how you made the artwork in a post.

General guidelines:

Your post should contain quality images, blurry photos are generally okay (especially if you don't have proper photography equipment) but avoid them if you can.

Although posting a photo of the finished piece is recommended, I prefer using a semi-finished photo of my work, but that's purely out of preference. Having an Introduction to what your artwork is a great practice, that will improve your writing skills, the more you do it. Adding a story to it will be a great addition.

After the first photo (in general it's for your thumbnail to look good) and the introduction (keep it short but informative/exciting) you can then share the following:

  • Materials used - with brief description or additional information or story on each.

  • Step-by-step process - made sure to capture all the relevant steps in your work process.

You can do this in 2 ways:

  • Posting a photo of each drawing step that happens on your piece. I.e: first step will be pencil sketches, second step will be pencil outlines, third step will be inking, fourth step will be coloring or shading (whichever applicable)

  • Posting a photo of each big changes you make on your art. I.e (when drawing a person): first photo is the pencil sketch, second photo are shots of inking the head, third are shots of inking the torso, fourth are shots inking the rest of the body, fifth are shots of coloring with the main colors, lastly then shots of the rest of the coloring at work.

  • Animated GIF or Video showing the work progress - this will be a great addition to the quality of your post.

After all those, you can showcase the finished artwork again. I suggest post 3 relevant shots:

  • A photograph of the whole artwork.

  • A close-up shot of a part of the artwork.

  • A photograph of the artwork with you, or a photograph of a WIP with your hand working on it or a photograph of the WIP with you.

4 Paintings and Symbols... by @errymil

Compilation Post

A "Compilation Post" is pretty self-explanatory. You can compile a few artworks into a set that you will showcase in a post.

General guidelines:

Your post should contain quality images, blurry photos are generally okay (especially if you don't have the proper photography equipment) but they should be avoided.

Posting a compilation of your artwork is a great way to showcase your talent. It can also show your consistency and progress which can be a good selling point for artists. Having an Introduction to your compilation is a great practice, this improves your writing skills as well, the more you do it. Adding a story to it will be a great addition.

After making a brief intro/story start posting your artworks. Make use of spacing, do not spam with just photos. It is a good practice to explain/discuss what a piece is about before going to the next one. It also helps if you add a story to it - like how it's intended to make someone feel, how it expresses something, how you made it, what made you create it or why. It's also going to be exceptional if you can add the process for each artwork (not the whole thing), by maybe creating thumbnails from the WIP photos and adding it after the text discussing your piece.

A good compilation post is in general made up of at least 2 artworks. Even just 2 pieces of artwork can be called a compilation, a good way of posting this is if you're comparing your 2 pieces, whilst showing your progress or maybe showcasing your different artstyles, or showing contrasting/complimenting themes, but it's not limited to those. If you're going for an overkill post with more than 10 photos on it, I suggest split it into multiple parts that can each be in an individual blog post, try making a series of posts out of it (e.g: My Water Color Painting Part 1, Part 2, and so on).


  • Share original art only.

  • As much as possible, it has to be new or should be posted first in Steemit before sharing in other websites or public social media accounts.

  • If it's a video, make sure the video mentions your Steemit username/page for verification and that the video is very recent (within a week of your post or earlier).

  • Make it as high quality as possible.

  • Always put your username/watermark on your own images.

  • Always state any reference materials and source links for proper crediting, not doing so can be considered plagiarism.

  • Use relevant tags (i.e: #artguildph #steemph #philippines).

  • Encourage other Steemians or Artists to share their art and showcase them the proper way.

  • Report any sightings of plagiarism to @steemcleaners.


  • Never steal someone else's art or plagiarize.

  • Do not re post any content previously posted in Steemit.

  • Do not re post very old artworks publish in other websites or public social media accounts.

  • Do not tag spam (use of irrelevant tags).

  • Never post low quality pieces (not the drawing - the post itself; the artwork can be very simple but you can make up for it with the text and instructions you add on it).

  • No copy+pasting from other users/websites/sources.​


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