Entry for Artstorm Contest #19 - Mermaids

Hello, hello~! How are you, guys? :D

Let me ask you something. Have you ever wondered why the sea has foam sometimes?

Well, after a long search, I have the answer. I wanted to draw it, so that, the reason could be better appreciated. So, the origen is shampoo!. Yes, the shampoo that spreads the mermaids when washing their hair. Besides being smelling of a pleasant fruity smell, they pollute the fish park! :c

Imagen (39).jpg

I love the facial expression of the fish. Those eyes are my favorites when I'm doodling,.

Hahaha, I'm kidding. Actually, the sea foam or spume is created by the agitation of seawater when it contains high concentrations of proteins, lignins, etc. You can read more about this here.

Ugh! I feel really bad, my mom got me her flu. I decided to enter the competition to laugh a little at my occurrences, and of course, share it with you. Have a great night! Bye, guys! <3

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