Old sailor - hand drawing #29

Hello, guys! How are you today? :D

Woow, it's been a while since the last time a drawing something more elaborate compared to the others I've made lately.

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To be honest this drawing was inspired by a contest that I wanted to enter a few weeks ago, but in the end, I didn't (yes, that happens to me often, haha). Anyways, today, I think it's a good day to share it because I'm proud of the result. Those who follow me for a long time know that I'm good at using graphite pencils and I like to make portraits, but I need more practice using colors when I want to make a realistic drawing. That's why I'm satisfied with this one, it's the most realistic skin I've been able to achieve using colored pencils.

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I think it's not the fact that I cannot use colors in my drawings when I do realism, it's just the fear that keeps me from moving forward. I'm the kind of person who always tries to reach a goal and when I cannot do it, I feel bad. I feel like I'm failing and I don't like it at all (writing that makes me think about this song. It's one of my favorites :D Being Good Isn't Good Enough) But hey! that's how we all learn, right? You cannot always get what you want.

I feel comfortable using the graphite pencils and thanks to the contests here in Steemit, little by little I've opened to use colors much more often (but I'll always love graphite, lol) I think it is due to the great talent that exists in this page. Seeing the works of other artists inspires me to be better at what I do.

All I know is that "Doing things right the first time does not make you the best and doing the wrong things does not make you a loser."


I know that lately I only make quick drawings and I also know that there are people who followed me looking for quality artworks, so I hope you like this <3

Well, that's all for today (or may not, I want to post my entry to a contest later :D). I hope you liked it. Bye, guys! <3

Previous posts: (。・ω・。)ノ♡


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