Steemit Art Centre!! Thursday's Update

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Welcome to the 'Steemit Art Centre'.

The Steemit Art Centre is regularly updated so please come back frequently to see what's new!

So, what news do we have?

  • In the Gallery, we have four new artworks. one is by @lildebbiecakes, one is by @vee2180 and there are two by @artonmysleeve. There's plenty to enjoy there!

  • I know many of you have been anticipating the interview with @lildebbiecakes. I'm pleased to confirm I have it now, just waiting on the artwork she'd like to share with us. I hope to publish it soon.

  • I want to share some exciting news. The great artist @magiccleatus has started a fantastic channel on Discord. It's called the Zen Colouring contest. It covers that contest and much, much more! You can post your art to give it more exposure, listen to and choose music, advertise your art contests and chat with other visitors. It's just the beginning so visit frequently to see what's happening!!

Steemit Art Centre gives your posts exposure. Just drop the link to your post in the comments below and I will add it here.

Exposure is important because the more your art is seen, the more followers you will attract and, in turn, that brings more upvotes and income for you.

We have the Steemit Art Centre Gallery running now. There room for everyone.

Please use the Gallery by dropping a link below. I'll be pleased to display it here.

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Here is information about using the Steemit Art Centre Gallery:

Any artists who want to display their work in the Steemit Art Centre Galley should make their own post with the artwork they want to display then drop a link here in the comments below. That will enable me to display it. You can display as many artworks as you want

It also means you get income from your own post.

@doracar is displaying his beautiful flowers for us to see. I think it is lovely.

Here is the link to follow to the full post where you can upvote and resteem for @doracar :


@juanzcorpion is sharing her fabulous drawing and colouring here. Thank you so much to her.


Here is the link to the full post so that you can reward her with an upvote and resteem:


We have more great art from @joyart. Here is her first submission:

You can follow this link to her full post where you can upvote and resteem her:


Here is another submission from @joyart:

Isn't it fantastic? I wish I could draw like her. She is so talented! Here is the link to her full post so you can go and reward her:


We are lucky to have another artwork submitted by @lildebbiecakes. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

By @lildebbiecakes

Here is the link to follow to the full post where you can resteem and upvote @lildebbiecakes:


@vee2180 has entered this fabulous piece of artwork in my new fun contest 'Butterfly Art':

By @vee2180

Here is the link to her full post where you can upvote and resteem her beautiful art:


We have some brilliant sketches by @artonmysleeve, who has challenged himself by drawing characters from 'The Walking Dead'. Here is Daryll:


Here's the link to the full post so hurry on over and lend your support:


@artonmysleeve has sketched Rick and Michonne from 'The Walking Dead'. I am a fan of the show and think the drawing is great.

This is the link to the full post so you can upvote and resteem this art:


I've added a new section where we can give exposure to articles we write about our favourite artists. Just drop a link to your post in the replies section below and I will add a summary, link to the full post and image.

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Enjoy the artworks by Robert Bateman by following the link to this article:


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Creativity is intelligence having fun - Albert Einstein

Everyone discusses my art and pretends to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love. - Claude Monet

Creativity takes courage - Henri Matisse

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun. - Mary Lou Cook

An essential part of creativity is not being afraid to fail. - Dr Edwin Land

I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else. - Pablo Picasso

Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more. - Alexander Isley

Design has allowed us to stand out, to look different and show that difference boldly. - Joe Mansueto

Art is what you can get away with. - Andy Warhol

Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. - Andy Warhol

There are three responses to a piece of design - yes, no and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for. - Milton Glaser

Creativity is a combination of discipline and a childlike spirit. - Robert Greene

Work is progressing on interviews with interesting Steemians. If you would like to be interviewed, please let me know on Discord.

I do hope you'll join me in this initiative to promote art. Please visit often as Steemit Art Centre will be regularly updated.

Please let me know what you think about it! Do you have any suggestions?

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