Entry for Artstorm Contest #15 -dragons

artstorm dragon.png

Digital Art entry

Title of this art: Dragon's Honey Blood

Hello Steemies,

Here is another day of artstorm contest and today the theme is about dragons. I know it will take a lot of time to create a dragon. The scales and horns of which are kind of time consuming to draw so I went for a dragon silhouette and made it as logo for the wine bottle and called the brand "Dragon's Honey Blood".

The Blue Bells

Scene 7 : Dragon's Honey Blood

The cafe is already closed and all the customers had already gone home. The taste test for Debbie's cakes was also done. Debbie and Mrs. Bertie are almost done with the bottle of wine and the sun is almost down.
Mrs. Bertie: This wine tastes sweet and crisp. Don't you think Deb?
Debbie: Yeah, it is made in Italy, could be compared to a Sangiovese.
Mrs. Bertie: It tastes like honey too, so that explains the name on the label.
Debbie: Yeah right.

Debbie is feeling quite relaxed now and stretched her arms far and wide. This caused the little mouse up on the windows to startle and run. It jumped onto the table where the bottle of wine is sitting. He scratched the surface of the bottle as if he wants to have a taste of the sweet aroma coming from the mouth of this delicate drink.

Mrs. Bertie: I guess we are good and shall we now go home?
Debbie: You bet.
Harris: Mom, I want a pet.
Mrs. Bertie: Pet? ahmmm. errr. you did not want one before.
Harris: I just want to have a field mouse mom.

Mrs. Bertie closed the cafe door and prepared to leave while Debbie is already in the car waiting. Harris gave one more look inside the cafe hoping the field mouse would show up. Unfortunately there was no sign of a tiny guest. Harris turned around and walked slowly but deep inside he is hoping for a surprise.

Scene 6 : Catch Up
Scene 8: Easter Bunnies And Chicks

I had to rewrite all the texts on this entry because for some reasons, the previous one that I successfully had posted went blank except for the title and first three lines. Hope you like it still. Until next time

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