Entry for Artstorm Contest #15 -wine, women and song


Digital Art entry

Wine, Women and Song
Title of this art: Catch Up

Hello Steemies,

It's been a busy day. Let's get in to the process right away. For a drawing contest with a time limit, it helps if you already have something going on; like in my case I refer to a Mrs. Bertie series and I just incorporate the theme of the day. It saves me time because I don't need to think about what subject to draw. For this task the two women in my story are starting to take form which I had been avoiding lately as that would take a lot of thinking but today I just let my hands do the work and was surprised I like the result. I must admit I spent more minutes drawing the golden hair of Debbie. I don't know the right technique yet in making the texture of the hair. The rest was quick and easy. From my snowangel entry I already have there an idea of what Mrs. Bertie looks like then I borrowed the snowfield background too. The cafe was done quickly too as I made a reference to my cream cake entry. The window details is done using the help of symmetry or mirror function of any drawing app. That saves time big time. I almost forgot I think we had a champagne theme before so the green bottle could be familiar.

The theme today is quite challenging or could be tricky...but it can be done. My female characters are the women, drinking wine while listening to a song from a mobile phone. Zoom in pls for the details I mentioned.

The Blue Bells

Scene 6 : Catch Up

Harris was saddened upon realizing that his tiny visitor is gone. He dropped the brown bag that he filled with sweet treats on the floor out of disappointment. Inside the cozy Blue Bell Cafe, Debbie and Mrs. Elizabeth Bertie are almost done with the cupcakes taste test. It's getting dark and colder and Harris is still hoping the field mouse would come back. Debbie thought a glass of wine would help warm this cold approaching night and pop goes the cork. Mrs. Elizabeth Bertie pulled out her mobile device and played her curated playlist. That set the mood for these women to have a little catch up. It was nice to hear stories about their lives and what not little did they know the field mouse is up above them silently waiting on the window.

Scene 5 : A Tiny Guest
Scene 7: Dragon's Honey Blood

Hope you like it. Until next time

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