GK's Callout - New Spambot, 'Goodbot,' Unhelpful at Best 👈


Hi Friends,

Some of you may have noticed a new presence in the spam bot world. If you post more than once in IntroduceYourself, an account named '@goodbot' will comment on your post with a tally of how many times you've used the hashtag and an account of @felixxx 's rules of engagement with the hashtag.

I am all for keeping Steemit clean. But spamming others to do so makes no sense.

How long will it be before someone makes a bot that comments on goodbots comments?

Everyone wants those those marginal daily upvotes at scale, yet we have to remember that is the system we're trying to get away from.

My argument for using #IntroduceYourself is sometimes you are talking about #IntroduceYourself like in this paragraph, and now goodbot will 100% comment and tell me Im a pos, using steemit all wrong. Omg. Bad GK ~ What you gunna do about it... punk?

Now any good critique must have some sort of alternative, as the problem of a cluttered hashtag remains.

If you have an idea of how we can clean up tags without the use of spam (positive punishment) I'd love to discuss it in the comments below.

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