GK's Flat Earth CONFIRMED with Evidence


Every good scientist must question their beliefs. While I woke up this morning I did not realize that my world would be flipped uʍop ǝpısdn pǝuɹnʇ.

Growing up, I took airplanes, I saw photos of earth from space and I even witnessed the horizon with my own eyes.

Everything went out the window when I saw this.

Posted by u/Twin_Keel of Reddit

As you can see the ocean pivots at a sharp 90 degree angle. The boat is trying to move away from the horizon point, but it seems these savages built a house right on the edge so they can mock inexperienced boaters.

Since there are structures built on both sides, its possible that earth is cubic, or at least has some depth to it. All you gardeners out there are probably safe. Regardless, lets not dig too deep.

There you have it. Irrefutable evidence of the flat or cubic world. Sorry if I rocked yours.

I'm sure this has some law bending implications on the theory of gravity.

Now lets see lots of cognitive dissonance in the comments. Any contradicting views will be promptly hurled over the edge in the name of science.

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