Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 3) Thor rescues the bottle that Darth Vader stole from Bahbahra's, Thor rescata la botella que Darth Vader robó de Bahbahra,


One day of drinks, Thor with Bahbahra's take Something Special whiskey, they were having a luxury when suddenly a strange presence without being seen picks up the bottle that I bought Bahbahra's and suddenly leaves the bar flying! Right away, Thor goes flying behind the bottle and when he arrives at it, he finds the great surprise that was the evil Darth Vader.

Un dia de copas, Thor con Bahbahra's toman whisky Something Special, ellos la estaban pasando de lujo cuando de repente una extraña presencia sin ser vista levanta la botella que compro Bahbahra's y de repente sale del bar volando! enseguida Thor se va volando detrás de la botella y cuando llega hasta ella, se encuentra la gran sorpresa que era el malvado Darth Vader.


Then Thor very annoyed tells Darth Vader to give him the bottle because Bahbahra's stayed in the bar very sad and wanting to continue drinking.

Entonces Thor muy molesto le dice a Darth Vader que le entregue la botella ya que Bahbahra's se quedo en el bar muy tristre y con ganas de seguir bebiendo.


To his surprise darth Vader tries to enter into his mind something weak by alcohol but can not and is when he tells him not to take him to Bahbahra's, to take it between them and join the dark side of the force!

Para su sopresa darth Vader trata de entrar en su mente algo debil por el alcohol pero no puede y es cuando le dice que no se le lleve a Bahbahra's, que se la tomen entre ellos dos y se una al lado oscuro de la fuerza!


A few seconds later Thor attacks Darth Vader with his hammer but incredibly, Vader with his mental power of force stops the hammer and returns it with equal force!

Pocos segundos despues Thor ataca a Darth Vader con su martillo pero increíblemente, Vader con su poder metal de la fuerza detiene el martillo y se lo regresa con igual fuerza!


Thor falls almost defeated by his own hammer, and Vader laughs victoriously tells him that not all the avengers together could beat him!

Thor cae casi derrotado por su propio martillo, y Vader se rie victorioso le dice que ni todos los vengadores juntos podrían vencerlo!


Thor in his last breath of agony remembers Bahbahra's and with the strength of their friendship, he gets up and unloads all his power against Darth Vader throwing his rays!

Thor en sus últimos respiro de agonía recuerda a Bahbahra's y con la fuerza de su amistad, se levanta y descarga todo su poder contra Darth Vader arrojandole sus rayos!


After the defeat of Vader, Thor can return with his great friend Bahbahra's who awaits him in the bar distressed and caught by alcohol and thus they went to gather and they took the full bottle

tras la derrota de Vader, Thor puede volver con su gran amigo Bahbahra's que lo espera en el bar angustiado y prendido por el alcohol y asi sepudieron reunir y se tomaron la botella completa.


Colorin colorado this story is over!

Colorin colorado esta historia se a acabado!

saludos a @tattoodjay me anime gracias a: @melinda010100 @old-guy-photos @txatxy @dandesign86 @silenteyes @enmanuelruizfm @oscarcc89 @osmerj @everlove @cervantes @don.quijote @sancho.panza @rickyjrx

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