Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 3) 5 SBD in Prizes

Bahbahra’s Buddy Contest (week 3) 5 SBD in Prizes


Bahbahra’s Buddies Contest

Bahbahra has again been so excited seeing all the responses to this weeks contest.

Let’s get straight down to business first and announce this week’s winner

This weeks winner as Chosen by Bahbahra ,my wife, and myself is @dandesign86 Congratulations

all the entries were great so deciding a winner was a challenge so let me touch a little on each post.

@silenteyes shared this sweet story
From Lovelyn who also calls herself Love who my wife was so taken by, who is being neglected by her owner with the fascination and so much time spent on Steemit, hmm my wife and Bahbahra nodded when they read this I wonder who they were thinking about.
Such a sweet post to read and lovelyn even prepared food and drinks for Bahabhra which was so sweet.

My Wife and Bahbahra agreed with the winner selection but felt the Lovelyn was so cute as was this post and deserves an Honorable mention and to win 1 SBD so that will be on its way shortly

@txatxy shared this lovely story where Pepe explained that due to the weather and other things going on, and he was unable to travel and share photos of his city, he did however risk life and limb to levitate and get some shots over looking the city, a great post to read.

@old-guy-photos joined in the fun and shared story about Hank who seemed infatuated and all eyes for Bahbahra, now Hank it seems is an online celebrity, has even been featured on youtube videos, but of concern is a couple of his traits, Hank can be a bit pushy and argumentative, but then again, so can Bahbahra, and it seems he also has a bit of a drinking problem, whether Bahbahra has an issue with this I will get into later in this post.

We found this a thoroughly enjoyable post to read and if you do check it out, make sure you watch the video

And the winning post is from @dandesign86 shared this very what originally started as a sweet looking story about Dora the Donkey, now living in China with quite spectacular views would seem quite a great way to love, but sadly the story goes downhill from there for Dora, alas life has given some cruel twists for her and she is a doggy toy and its quite sad to read the abuse Dora has to put up with daily, I can truly understand why she is looking for a friend, but I think first she may need some counseling or she may turn to drink so 5 SBD is on its way I hope its put to good use for Dora

And this weeks Challenge is…

***For this week Bahbahra and I have noted a bit of a theme in looking at the posts from last week, Namely Drink


Which you would have guess already as originally the photo above of Bahbahra and friends drinking would have given it away, but she pointed out to me I should use a more generic shot of her at the top of this post to keep people in suspense as to the topic for this week till now

Now although this photo may make it look like she is a bit of a party animal, she is only a rare and social drinker for the most part, sticking mainly to drinking water, however in my pre diet days I did lead her astray


from time to time show would have a soda, and when we were in Uganda and visited Jinja

Both Bahbahra and I enjoyed a Nile Beer at the Source of the Nile.

Now I know there are a few places who lay claim to being the Source of the Nile so I will clarify to say at one of the Possible or claimed source of the Nile locations.

So for this week include a photo, drawing and or story related to a drink or drinking whether alcoholic or not.

and if your wondering Bahbahra was fine the next morning as she only posed with the Beer and Soda in these photos and didn't touch a drop of any of them, but I cannot say the same for myself.

Also worth noting I have decided picking just one winner is very hard and since this is still fairly new for now I have decided from this week to change the prizes from one winner of 5 SBD to the following

One Winner 3 SBD
Honorable Mentions: 1 SBD

Please remember this contest is all about having fun, so it’s not about a fancy photo or a long flowing price of prize winning prose, although you're more than welcome to submit those as well, equally welcome are quick snaps or even a sketch of your toy (even if it is imaginary) and a few words or sentences related to the weekly challenge

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and a theme for your picture and story - this week being where you live

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD in prizes, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    **Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post
    Note: please be careful with the spelling of Bahbahra so we do not miss seeing any posts :)

  4. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  5. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner(s) and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends and I came up with this idea.

So Week three of this contest is now Live and I look forward to your entries

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

Some other contests you may be interested in run by friends are

Here are a few run by friends on here:
@topkpop hosts the Art Contest
The current theme is Passion

Another which I help judge is run by @killerpix and is the weekly photo contest
This weeks new theme is Autumn

Another cool contest is Monomad Contest Hosted by @brumest. With this week’s theme being Reflections

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest posts
Or Chat with us on Gamma Syndicate on Discord

JJ steemit banner without steemusa.jpg who they were thinking about.
Such a sweet post to read and lovelyn even prepared food and drinks for Bahabhra which was so sweet.

My Wife and Bahbahra agreed with the winner selection but felt the Lovelyn was so cute as was this post and deserves an Honorable mention and to win 1 SBD so that will be on its way shortly

@txatxy shared this lovely story where Pepe explained that due to the weather and other things going on, and he was unable to travel and share photos of his city, he did however risk life and limb to levitate and get some shots over looking the city, a great post to read.

@old-guy-photos joined in the fun and shared story about Hank who seemed infatuated and all eyes for Bahbahra, now Hank it seems is an online celebrity, has even been featured on youtube videos, but of concern is a couple of his traits, Hank can be a bit pushy and argumentative, but then again, so can Bahbahra, and it seems he also has a bit of a drinking problem, whether Bahbahra has an issue with this I will get into later in this post.

We found this a thoroughly enjoyable post to read and if you do check it out, make sure you watch the video

And the winning post is from @dandesign86 shared this very what originally started as a sweet looking story about Dora the Donkey, now living in China with quite spectacular views would seem quite a great way to love, but sadly the story goes downhill from there for Dora, alas life has given some cruel twists for her and she is a doggy toy and its quite sad to read the abuse Dora has to put up with daily, I can truly understand why she is looking for a friend, but I think first she may need some counseling or she may turn to drink so 5 SBD is on its way I hope its put to good use for Dora

And this weeks Challenge is…

***For this week Bahbahra and I have noted a bit of a theme in looking at the posts from last week, Namely Drink


Which you would have guess already as originally the photo above of Bahbahra and friends drinking would have given it away, but she pointed out to me I should use a more generic shot of her at the top of this post to keep people in suspense as to the topic for this week till now

Now although this photo may make it look like she is a bit of a party animal, she is only a rare and social drinker for the most part, sticking mainly to drinking water, however in my pre diet days I did lead her astray


from time to time show would have a soda, and when we were in Uganda and visited Jinja

Both Bahbahra and I enjoyed a Nile Beer at the Source of the Nile.

Now I know there are a few places who lay claim to being the Source of the Nile so I will clarify to say at one of the Possible or claimed source of the Nile locations.

So for this week include a photo, drawing and or story related to a drink or drinking whether alcoholic or not.

and if your wondering Bahbahra was fine the next morning as she only posed with the Beer and Soda in these photos and didn't touch a drop of any of them, but I cannot say the same for myself.

Also worth noting I have decided picking just one winner is very hard and since this is still fairly new for now I have decided from this week to change the prizes from one winner of 5 SBD to the following

One Winner 3 SBD
Honorable Mentions: 1 SBD

Please remember this contest is all about having fun, so it’s not about a fancy photo or a long flowing price of prize winning prose, although you're more than welcome to submit those as well, equally welcome are quick snaps or even a sketch of your toy (even if it is imaginary) and a few words or sentences related to the weekly challenge

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and a theme for your picture and story - this week being where you live

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD in prizes, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    **Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post
    Note: please be careful with the spelling of Bahbahra so we do not miss seeing any posts :)

  4. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  5. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner(s) and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends and I came up with this idea.

So Week three of this contest is now Live and I look forward to your entries

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

Some other contests you may be interested in run by friends are

Here are a few run by friends on here:
@topkpop hosts the Art Contest
The current theme is Passion

Another which I help judge is run by @killerpix and is the weekly photo contest
This weeks new theme is Autumn

Another cool contest is Monomad Contest Hosted by @brumest. With this week’s theme being Reflections

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest posts
Or Chat with us on Gamma Syndicate on Discord

JJ steemit banner without steemusa.jpg who they were thinking about.
Such a sweet post to read and lovelyn even prepared food and drinks for Bahabhra which was so sweet.

My Wife and Bahbahra agreed with the winner selection but felt the Lovelyn was so cute as was this post and deserves an Honorable mention and to win 1 SBD so that will be on its way shortly

@txatxy shared this lovely story where Pepe explained that due to the weather and other things going on, and he was unable to travel and share photos of his city, he did however risk life and limb to levitate and get some shots over looking the city, a great post to read.

@old-guy-photos joined in the fun and shared story about Hank who seemed infatuated and all eyes for Bahbahra, now Hank it seems is an online celebrity, has even been featured on youtube videos, but of concern is a couple of his traits, Hank can be a bit pushy and argumentative, but then again, so can Bahbahra, and it seems he also has a bit of a drinking problem, whether Bahbahra has an issue with this I will get into later in this post.

We found this a thoroughly enjoyable post to read and if you do check it out, make sure you watch the video

And the winning post is from @dandesign86 shared this very what originally started as a sweet looking story about Dora the Donkey, now living in China with quite spectacular views would seem quite a great way to love, but sadly the story goes downhill from there for Dora, alas life has given some cruel twists for her and she is a doggy toy and its quite sad to read the abuse Dora has to put up with daily, I can truly understand why she is looking for a friend, but I think first she may need some counseling or she may turn to drink so 5 SBD is on its way I hope its put to good use for Dora

And this weeks Challenge is…

***For this week Bahbahra and I have noted a bit of a theme in looking at the posts from last week, Namely Drink


Which you would have guess already as originally the photo above of Bahbahra and friends drinking would have given it away, but she pointed out to me I should use a more generic shot of her at the top of this post to keep people in suspense as to the topic for this week till now

Now although this photo may make it look like she is a bit of a party animal, she is only a rare and social drinker for the most part, sticking mainly to drinking water, however in my pre diet days I did lead her astray


from time to time show would have a soda, and when we were in Uganda and visited Jinja

Both Bahbahra and I enjoyed a Nile Beer at the Source of the Nile.

Now I know there are a few places who lay claim to being the Source of the Nile so I will clarify to say at one of the Possible or claimed source of the Nile locations.

So for this week include a photo, drawing and or story related to a drink or drinking whether alcoholic or not.

and if your wondering Bahbahra was fine the next morning as she only posed with the Beer and Soda in these photos and didn't touch a drop of any of them, but I cannot say the same for myself.

Also worth noting I have decided picking just one winner is very hard and since this is still fairly new for now I have decided from this week to change the prizes from one winner of 5 SBD to the following

One Winner 3 SBD
Honorable Mentions: 1 SBD

Please remember this contest is all about having fun, so it’s not about a fancy photo or a long flowing price of prize winning prose, although you're more than welcome to submit those as well, equally welcome are quick snaps or even a sketch of your toy (even if it is imaginary) and a few words or sentences related to the weekly challenge

OK, here is how this contest will work:

  1. Each week I will post a Photo of Bahbahra and a theme for your picture and story - this week being drink

  2. You must submit your post by the upcoming Wednesday (before the end of the day), which includes a photo of your toy (appropriate to the challenge) and includes a short story from your small toy/animal responding to Bahbahra’s story.

  3. To be eligible to win the 5 SBD in prizes, you must meet the following criteria:
    Be following me
    Upvote and Resteem this post
    Submitted a post with relevant photo and story line
    **Use the tag #bahbahrabuddycontest for your post
    Note: please be careful with the spelling of Bahbahra so we do not miss seeing any posts :)

  4. If this contest gets popular and grows, I will increase the prize and perhaps expand to a 2nd and 3rd prize, so please do Resteem so more can see and enter.

  5. One week later, I will do the next post naming the winner(s) and adding a new storyline for the next week's contest along the same lines.

Why am I doing this?

I appreciate the amazing support I have received from this community since I joined here just over 3 months ago and have been thinking for a while now that I wanted to start a challenge. I was wondering what sort of challenge or contest I could start with and after chatting with good friends and I came up with this idea.

So Week three of this contest is now Live and I look forward to your entries

Good luck, and I am looking forward to seeing all the entries.

Some other contests you may be interested in run by friends are

Here are a few run by friends on here:
@topkpop hosts the Art Contest
The current theme is Passion

Another which I help judge is run by @killerpix and is the weekly photo contest
This weeks new theme is Autumn

Another cool contest is Monomad Contest Hosted by @brumest. With this week’s theme being Reflections

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera

If your interested in thealliance Check out the latest posts
Or Chat with us on Gamma Syndicate on Discord

JJ steemit banner without steemusa.jpg

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