Bruce Ruffin Donruss '89 Baseball Trading Card Error or Possible Banksy Original

A very rare find and very hard to procure any information about this gem, no listings on eBay or elsewhere, also checked Sotheby's and Christie's auctions.  Baseball and other trading cards were sometime known for errors that would make it to print, however one is usually able to find this information online.  Banksy is an artist that was born in 1974 whose street art is known worldwide, usually with messages behind what some people consider childish or "basic" art (see: Dismaland by Bansky).  

What is the meaning behind only the art on the front and the back of the card left untouched, no doubt it is something very deep.  This possibly will be for sale on OpenBazaar 2.0 soon, will be a discounted price because of the worn "A" in "YEAH" and the first "O" in the action word "POOT".     So is this a regular baseball card error, a child who found his parents white out and a pen, or possibly a commentary on rising methane gas levels in Philadelphia by a mysterious street artist from the UK?  In these situations you can assume nothing 100% what so ever, so in the interest of mankind and our clean air, best just to believe it is probably a Banksy.


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