Beat Battle League S2:R5 Results

The Movie Soundtracks theme this round inspired sixteen (16) epic entries from Steemian producers from all over the world in Round #5 of Season Two of the #beatbattle .

Beat Battle League.jpg

Courtesy of @nicnas

The judging panel of @chiefmappster, @beatseb, @seveaux and @derekmiller thank you so much for all the time, effort , and resources that went into creating your entries.

Sit back and enjoy these incredible creations from these Steemian producers in this fifth round of Season Two of the #beatbattle with the theme being Movie Soundtracks.


Remember the entries for the Beat Battle League are judged on:

  • Sound Quality: does the beat sound crispy, in speakers and headphones, is there cracking or recording errors? How loud can we play it before you notice quality issues? etc

  • Technicality: what are the skills you displayed in making this beat? The technical aspects of the your craft. The layers and sounds do they match? How many? etc

  • Creativity: how unique your entry is. How well it revolves around the universal theme? Holy smokes we have never heard that sound before? A creative video and/or artwork o yeahhhhh.

If you have any questions about the judging and/or your ranking, please always feel free to reach out to me on Discord.

Without further adieu, here are the results from S2:R5 of the Beat Battle League:

FIRST WINNER: @paradigmprospect with an average of 4.79 from the judging panel winning 8 STEEM, 42 SMOKE, and 25 Whaleshares for 75 points.


What a vivid movie soundtrack entry.

You created such a majestic beat that could be used in a wide variety of movies (Hobbit, Lord of the Rings type movies, and fantasy movies o my).

Absolutely love how you include those ax pick noises, the whip, the choir sounds, and that epic harp o my. You incorporate so much to create such a VIVID picture. I can close my eyes and see creatures and fairies working away in the mines.

Such an awesome take on the theme my hat is off to you. You delivered once again. And that artwork man did that help set the theme very well as well.

I don't want to stop playing this because of how it makes me feel wow. Takes me to such a place. Thank you for this and for all the time and effort you put into creating this entry.

Support this winning Steemian here: @paradigmprospect/20180321t045432397z-paradigm-prospector-fairy-slave-mines

SECOND WINNER: @nathankaye with an average of 4.72 from the judging panel winning 4 STEEM, 36 SMOKE, and 20 Whaleshares for 60 points.


Holy smokes what an incredible, heart-wrenching entry.

What a challenge making a soundtrack for this type of movie.

You created such emotion with your instruments, vocals, and arrangement it gave me serious goosebumps. I could envision being there and witnessing the event just with your entry playing. That is some serious skill.

And to be able to play mohan veena and the cumbus wow wow that is truly extraordinary. It's not every day you can to listen to those instruments played with such passion and skill.

Much appreciation for sharing this vivid, emotion-causing entry. Much love and respect @nathankaye.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @nathankaye/20180321t040248051z-beat-battle-league-s2r5-one-less-god-teaser-part-1-nathan-kaye

THIRD WINNER: @fairy-kingdoms with an average of 4.68 from the judging panel winning 2 STEEM, 31 SMOKE, and 15 Whaleshares for 48 points.

fairy kingdoms2.jpg!/@fairy-kingdoms/20180320t205042475z-credits-4-lt3

Holy smokes what a magical beat this is.

Love the combination of sounds you choose to integrate in this beat. Creates such a majestic atmosphere and most definitely leaves you smiling while listening.

This is such an awesome way to end a movie in the credits as it carries such a positive and lovely effect to it. Especially after watching a love movie you want to keep the emotions going. This is a great beat to do that.

Leaves you warm and happy inside.

Thanks for putting the time and effort in to create this amazing movie soundtrack. Much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @fairy-kingdoms/20180320t205042475z-credits-4-lt3

FOURTH WINNER (TIED): @d-vine with an average of 4.56 from the judging panel winning 1 STEEM, 26 SMOKE, and 10 Whaleshares for 37 points.



What a phenomenal vibe you create with this entry. So many sounds you integrate to create that space travel/exploration type movie soundtrack.

You could have this for your very own movie featuring the Alien Girl and her adventures o weeeee.

Appreciate the awesome artwork and all the time and effort you put into creating this entry. Wowzers blown away.

Support this epic Steemian here: @d-vine/20180314t092614470z-bloodsuckers-from-outerspace-by-d-vine-beat-battle-league-s2r5-a-dsound-community-initiative

FOURTH WINNER (TIED): @onemedia with an average of 4.56 from the judging panel winning 1 STEEM, 26 SMOKE, and 10 Whaleshares for 37 points.

Wow yesssssssssss what an absolutely captivating entry.

From the trippy movie fueled video to the flowing, intellectual post to the engulfing beat you created.

You can tell how much time and effort you put into creating this entry. Means a lot.

Such an awesome take on the theme to use A Space Odyssey, 50 Shades of Grey, and Psycho as inspiration. That violin at the end o my does it trigger some serious flashback to the movie Psycho and creates such emotion.

Thank you again for the time and effort you put into creating this entry.

Support this awesome Steemian here:@onemedia/2001-shades-of-psycho-by-trash-juice-funky-rock-electronica-satiric-music-video

COMMUNITY FAVORITE: @mindseye-music (with an average of 4.32) with $19.66 in community support, 30 upvotes , and 19 comments winning 20 SMOKE for 20 points


Ayyyy what a movie soundtrackkkkkkk.

You used such classic movie inspiration in the form of Interstellar and Blade Runner and created a beat that would work so ideally in a space and/or consciousness movie.

Love the impact that sound you bring in at 1:14 has so serene and calming. And that synth you bring in at 2:00 what a vibe that creates.

Love how calming the vibe is around 3:21 is what a skill to create that atmosphere.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating this awesome Movie Soundtrack. And that artwork o weeeeee :)

Support this epic Steemian here: @mindseye-music/20180313t212240115z-mindseye--dr-rinkel-stellar

The following are the honorable mentions in order of ranking based off the judging panel off this specific theme:

@inthenow with an average of 4.52 from the judging panel winning 18 SMOKE for a total of 18 points.


Man o man goosebumpsssss.

What a way to use bass, an amazing piano, and those synthssssss. Yessssss.

Creates such a vivid atmosphere I can envision this being used in a variety of action movie scenes.

Love how you create so much emotion throughout the beat especially around 2:55 man let's goooooooooo. And love how you end it with that lovely piano man what an entry.

Appreciate all the time and effort you put into this masterpiece of a Movie Soundtrack.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @inthenow/20180319t134910116z-beat-battle-s2r5-license-to-kill

@krazypoet with an average of 4.49 from the judging panel winning 17 SMOKE for 17 points.


Yessssssssss what an incredible entry.

Absolutely love the vibe you create with the sounds you choose to integrate. It no doubt triggers that time traveling feeling .

This beat is so captivating and paints such a vivid mental picture making it so ideal for a movie soundtrack. Especially a time traveling and/or alien encounter movie.

Love your post as well. All will be revealed in due time I am sure :)

Much appreciation for taking the time and effort to create this incredibly sounding beat for the community to enjoy.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @krazypoet/20180319t201738991z-time-travelers-by-krazypoet

@hilladigahackles with an average of 4.37 from the judging panel winning 16 SMOKE for 16 points.!/@hilladigahackles/20180314t020422484z-alone-road-darknesshaxsawdugin1world100lonely

Ayyyy yessssssss.

You dominated the theme with an epic soundtrack made for a movie you directed, acted, and wrote.

What a complete package and this beat is so calming and serene. It allows the focus to be on the characters and ties it all together.

Such ideal music for a trailer and you definitely drove us to wonder what happened to these characters.

Appreciate you creating this frequency-raising music to go with your movie trailer. Get it :)

Support this epic Steemian here: @hilladigahackles/alone-road-darknesshaxsaw-and-dugin1world100lonely-beatbattle-s2r5-entry

@styleyfrancky with an average of 4.30 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.


Wow wow what an absolutely soothing entry.

What a way to integrate those beautiful instruments you choose to create such an uplifting atmosphere.

This is such ideal music for the good bye ending for a movie watching the characters walk or ride off into the sunset leaving that happy and warm feeling when you leave the theaters.

I can't thank you enough for creating this pure, soul-resonating beat. It affected me greatly.

Much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @styleyfrancky/20180319t174428700z-movement-2

@polarbeats with an average of 4.30 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.


Dayummmmmmmm let's goooo

So many epic sounds you integrate in this one from that piano to those kicks and epic bass.

Love how strong you bring the beat in at 0:27 and around 1:36 man what a way to drive emotion and create an awesome atmosphere.

I can envision this being included in some build-up to the conflict scenes especially in a space-related movie.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating this beat. Much appreciation.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @polarbeats/20180310t191203189z-space-jam-prod-by-polar-beats-submission-to-beat-battle-league

@grizzle with an average of 4.30 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.

Ayyyy what a sci-fi soundtrack we got here o my.

Love how you use the synths you choose to create that sci-fi 80s style vibe. And that sound around 1:27 yessssssss.

This would be so ideal for a Stranger Things episode where sci-fi and nostalgia intersect.

Appreciate you sharing this vivid picture creating beat.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @grizzle/beat-battle-s2-r5-or

@redsfallin with an average of 4.30 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points.


Ayyyyyy what a beat for movie producers to use in their film.

You can chop this up into multiple segments for a movie so well.

Love the chase scene type atmosphere in the first 1:03 and then you hit us with that new sound and we are off.

And the middle segment around 1:50 and on I can envision a doctor operating in a scary type music with this playing to build suspense and emotion.

And that sound you bring in at 2:50 yesssss that reiterates that scary vibe.

You are on to something here buddy movie soundtracks is a HUGE market for music producers

Support this awesome Steemian here: @redsfallin/20180318t211401878z-sma-beat-battle-season-2-round-5hosted-by-chiefmappsterr-e-d-action-love-thriller

@fromlanada with an average of 4.17 from the judging panel winning 13 SMOKE for 13 points.


Woahhhhh what a vibe you create with this entry.

So many awesome sounds you integrate into this beat to create a vivid atmosphere.

Love those "vocals/chant" you incorporate throughout and those spacey sounds.

Totally envision this being played in a space movie scene or a flashback of a memory scene. Has that nostalgic factor.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to create this beautiful entry. Much love and respect.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @fromlanada/fromlanada-sma-beat-battle-season-2-round-5-hosted-by-chiefmappster

@grant-vegra with an average of 4.13 from the judging panel winning 12 SMOKE for 12 points.

Woahhhhh let's gooooooooo.

Totally get that Arabian nights/ The Mummy feel from this one.

My favorite part is how strong you bring the beat in at 1:50 especially after calming us down with that segment from 1:33-1:49. That bass is epic o myyyyyy.

This is 3+ minutes that I am sure movie producers would love to incorporate to help set the setting and tone especially given a certain setting.

Appreciate you sharing this with the community to enjoy.

Support this awesome Steemian here: Don't forget to make a Steemit post so the community can support you.

@mraggaj with an average of 4.09 from the judging panel winning 11 SMOKE for 11 points.

What a collab.

Love when producers get together and create art together. What a freakin vibe you create with this one.

That sound you bring in at 0:46 and throughout the beat hits the soul man. What a sound to incorporate.

And that bass and kicks o weeee gotta love how distinguished they are.

This beat could fit in a lot of different movie scenes (first to come to mind is a new version of Dazed and Confused) which is what movie producers love.

Much love and respect for you and @jackdub coming together to create this one.

Support this awesome Steemian here: @mraggaj/1-1-6-goon

Here is my scorecard with two columns added to reflect average from entire judging panel of @chiefmappster, @beatseb, @seveaux, and @derekmiller and respective overall ranking in this week.

Beat Battle League S2_R5 - paul-page-001.jpg

This concludes the results an analysis for Round #5 of Season Two of the Beat Battle League.

Stay tuned for tomorrow for the details of Round #6 of Season Two the #beatbattle .

Thanks again for another epic round Steemians. You bless us with your hard work and dedication and we thank you for that. So much talent in this community. Much love and respect.

Beat Battle League Week 7 Synergy.jpg

The #beatbattle is part of the Steemit Music League which is a community with the goal of providing the most feedback, recognition, and rewards and possible all while bringing Steemians together.


Currently the following are the seven contests in the Steemit Music League which is part of the Steemit Music Alliance (SMA) [click on contest/challenge name to go to most recent related information]:

SMAContest Initiatives
Steemit Music League Challenge (#smlchallenge) (Hosted by @chiefmappster): An open music contest for rappers, MCs, singers, vocalists, musicians, and producers.
Beat Battle League (#beatbattle) (Hosted by @chiefmappster): A challenge for music producers to produce an entry based off a theme or sampled material for that round.
SMA Feedback Contest (#smafeedback) (Hosted by @inthenow): A feedback-based contest for music. Provide music for feedback and/or provide feedback and get rewarded for doing so.
Chord Challenge (#chordchallenge) (Hosted by @antminer): A weekly challenge for music producers to create music by using the provided chord progression.
Kill The Pad Challenge (#killthepad) (Hosted by @jamesgetsit): A weekly topical text-based rap competition for creative writers to show their prowess as a lyricist.
Educator Showdown (#educatorshowdown) (Hosted by @novili): A bi-weekly competition for people who make educational content revolving around music.
[Poetry Slam]@scuzzy/poetry-slam-contest-week-3-or-spoken-word-challenge-a-dsound-community-initiative) (#poetryslam) (Hosted by @jamesgetsit & @scuzzy): A weekly spoken word contest in the traditional poetry slam competition format.

The winner of the Steemit Music League is determined by the amount of points earned through League contests and challenges.

Another great way to connect and interact with the community is through the SMA (Steem Music Alliance) Discord channel.

You can connect with other community members, ask questions, play music live, get feedback from community members, get beats and tracks demoed, and listen to music with others live via the SMA Discord bots.

Live music shows by @seveaux and @scuzzy happening in the channel as well.

To join the Steemit Music Alliance Discord channel go here:

SMA banner.png

Thanks again @prc and @dsound for helping inspire that real, positive change by supporting and helping the music community achieve its dreams.


SMOKE, Whaleshares, and Voiceshares are tokens are on BitShares. So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts (Whaleshares & Voiceshares). SMOKE supports the SMOKE.NETWORK mission.

Download Bitshares Wallet

Thank you as always for your time and attention.

Image Sources:



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