🌞#BeautifulSunday - Winner and New Rules | 美丽星期天 - 赢家和新规则 (by @ace108)

Come, @solaryguy,

Sunday Hug
IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/ByLr1J3eb

Last #beautifulsunday | 上个美丽星期天

Last Sunday, other than myself, there was only one other person who had a #beautifulsunday post. Here are the #beautifulsunday of last Sunday:

上个星期天,除了我自己以外,只有一个人发美丽星期天#beautifulsunday的帖。 这是上周日的#beautifulsunday:
# BeautifulSunday in Dalian and Happy Happy Mother's Day in North America.
# BeautifulSunday In search of Bao Gong | 美丽星期天寻找包公

The other person who posted #beautifulsunday is @solarguy. I’m going to reset the prize pool for the coming week. So, I’m giving the prize reserved for the first 2 editions to @solarguy. The original intent was 0.3 steem to be given to 3 winners weekly. The total would be 0.9 steem per week but since there was no participation in the first week, I decided to roll over the prize making total 1.8 steem for 3 winners. There was only @solarguy posting so I given 1.8 steem to him to power up.
另一个发#beautifulsunday美丽星期天帖的人是@solarguy。 我将在下周重置奖金。 所以,我将把上两周的steem奖都送给了@solarguy。原来的意图是每周三名赢家,每个各得0.3steem。每周总共送出0.9steem,但由于第一周没有参加,我决定将第一周的奖品叠上第二周分给三个赢家。但只有@solarguy发#beautifulsunday帖,所以就将全部1.8steem送去他户口加强他。

Beautiful Sunday Challenge - NEW RULES

美丽星期天行动 - 新规则

  • Post must be posted on Sunday and include the #beautifulsunday tag though it need not be in the first tag.
  • Post must have at least 2 colour images. Why? Because Monochrome is for Monday.
  • Post must have content that make me feel you are telling a beautiful story in the form of text or video.
  • The story does not have to be something you do on Sunday but if it is, then it will be good if you mentioned that somehow.
  • If you can pop in a link to your #beautifulsunday post into my #beautifulsunday post, it will ensure I don't miss your post.
  • Between Tuesday to Saturday day I will randomly choose up to 3 winners I feel like have told me a beautiful enough story to give them free steem.
  • I shall not limit the number of posts but I shall try to choose posts which have low reward before payout. Why? Because if your payout is reward is high, you already have reasonably.
  • The total prize pool for each week is 1.8 steem and the prize will be shared by up to 3 winners.
  • If there are no participants for the particular week, I shall not rollover the prize to the following week for simplicity.
  • For a start also, I am funding this #beautifulsunday challenge with steem from my own account. If there is anyone who wants to donate, they are most welcome and I can increase the number of winners and/or number of steem given to each winner. Otherwise, you can always choose your own #beautifulsunday winners and send them steem yourself. :-)
  • 帖必须在星期天发布,并且要用#beautifulsunday标签,但不需要作为第一个标签。
  • 帖子必须至少有2个彩色图像。为什么?因为单色是星期一的挑战。
  • 帖子必须有内容,让我觉得你以视频或者文字的形式讲述了一个美丽的故事。
  • 这故事不一定要是你在星期天做的事情,但如果是的话,最好在帖里提一下。
  • 如果你可以在我的美丽星期天#beautifulsunday帖留言留下链接到你的美丽星期天的帖,就会确保我不会错过你的美丽星期天。
  • 在星期二到星期六之间,我会随意选择3个让我觉的有个美丽的故事的帖为赢家。然后,把奖steem送于作者加强他们户口。
  • 我不会限制每人发多少帖,但我只会选择当时低回报率的帖。为什么?因为如果你的帖回报率已高,你已算获得不错的奖励。
  • 每个星期的总奖金为1.8steem,而奖金将分给1到3个获奖者。
  • 如果在周内没有参加者,为了简单起见,我不会将奖进翻转到下一周。
  • 先开始,#beautifulsunday挑战的奖品来自我个人户口。如果有人想要捐赠,那么当然欢迎。这样我可以增加获胜者的数量和/或给每一个赢家的多点steem。要不然,您可以随时选择自己的喜欢的#beautifulsunday获奖者,并自己发送奖给自己喜欢的人。 :-)

  • Still Calling for participation in revised edition. 还在呼吁参加升级版。

    To see the latest #beautifulsunday posts, click the link below..

    Remember Beautiful Sunday

    IMAGE LINK|图片链接: https://supload.com/H1oSNJheZ

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