2018 换政府榴莲大减价 · 日子一定会越来越好 | 大马水果 #beautifulsunday Durian Festival!


👉🏼 Beautiful Sunday Challenge initiated by @ace108 Let's check it out the details and share your beautiful Sunday! 期待大家分享各自美丽的星期天!👆🏼

哟!一大早又是忙忙碌碌!有洗又刷又扫!当然,早餐不可少!千篇一律,麦片谷粮营养饮料!加水煮蛋……面包... 果酱,就是我最满意、最满分的搭配了!偶尔,加点水果,加点乳酪,或者优格... 感觉非常非常一级棒!

Again Busy weekend morning! Clean and clear! However...I Never forget about my genki breakfast, oats drink, egg and bread with jam. Sometimes with yogurt and cheese or fruits too. Beauty! My forever favourite! The Best combination for me! Never feel bored to eat it Everyday.

过后,当我吃饱了,就是被吃的时候了,我抱着小弟,一边喂饱他,一边不等闲地刷屏聊天,接着当然就是继续啃书啊!那还要说!很快就要飞去玩了.. 脚步要紧凑些,得要好好计划、策划流程,住宿、交通、货币、路线等等,各种可以预先安排的事情,都尽快办妥。

Then, Continue to plan my Tokyo Japan trip next month and to prepare as details as I can for my first big group family tour overseas ! I Plan the route, book the homestay, book the rental car, study the japan map, familiar with the train routes, monitor currency, the weather and etc.

然后,午餐时间,由于是周末,当然是不下厨虐待家人了,出外用餐吧!哎呀! 忘了拍照!那就没有办法和大家分享了。我们吃了普通的虾面、河粉(粿条,米粉条)和椰浆饭!

It is lunch time! Weekend must be happy, so I don't want to cook and torture my family today. Thus, we went out to a mall nearby to look for food. We ate prawn noodles, rice noodles ( we called hor-fun it is river powder for direct translate), and coconut milk rice ( we called nasi lemak.)


今日头条,榴莲跌价了!参加了果王榴莲分享会,非常开心的吃不停!还有其他水果任吃,如龙眼、ciku langsat、水莲雾、香蕉、椰子!还有还有,果后,山竹!全部都非常新鲜!开心!

The best part! After lunch, we went for Durian Festival! We ate free flow local fruits! There are longan, ciku langsat, durian, mangosteen, coconut, banana, jambu! All fresh and tasty!

(Can't believe I wrote the content above in Chinese language and the word counter is not counting it correctly!!! Such a content, it counted only 9 words???!!! Oh my god!!! Very very Super extremely demoralisiing!!! Very unhappy with it!! )

👉🏼 Beautiful Sunday Challenge initiated by @ace108 Let's check it out the details and share your beautiful Sunday! 期待大家分享各自美丽的星期天!👆🏼

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://pizzapai.vornix.blog/2018/07/29/2018-%e6%8d%a2%e6%94%bf%e5%ba%9c%e6%a6%b4%e8%8e%b2%e5%a4%a7%e5%87%8f%e4%bb%b7-%c2%b7-%e6%97%a5%e5%ad%90%e4%b8%80%e5%ae%9a%e4%bc%9a%e8%b6%8a%e6%9d%a5%e8%b6%8a%e5%a5%bd-%e5%a4%a7%e9%a9%ac%e6%b0%b4/

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