🐝 Honey Harvest - Stealing Liquid Gold from a Mob of Armed Ladies (12 Pics & 4 GIFs)

Time to Open the Hive(s)

We've got cravings for some sweet & sticky stuff!

Hive Opening
Give them a good whiff of smoke to send them into forest-fire-mode.

The bees were having a hard time this year. The weather wasn't too kind, they were swarming heavily, plus me and my apiculturist friend have been neglecting them a bit.

This will be the first and only honey-harvest this year.

The girls are healthy, though. No mites, plenty of brood and heavy frames with a decent amount of honey.

Good Looking Frames

Everything looks fine, so let's pick out some frames without brood, but with a decent amount of this delicious gooeyness.

Working On An Open Hive

Taking Out A Frame Detail

Frames Set Aside

Taking Out A Frame Frontview

Leave the Bees at Home

We'll take those frames away, but the bees can stay!

Shaking Off Bees From Frame
a little bump will do

To get all those bees that are still working on their comb back into their hive, it's easiest to just hold that frame above the hive and give it a nice little bump. Most bees will simply fall off into the hive below, but they will also notice something is quite wrong. ;)

Up to now things usually stay calm, but as the girls have been shaken up a bit, tension starts picking up! Even after several years of doing this, it's still a good adrenaline rush to stand in between those stirred up, angry, armed ladies!

Dust Off The Last Bees

So let's brush off the last overly-attached bees and get out of here.

This is Where it Gets Sticky

Back at the apiarist workshop, we'll start extracting the honey.

De-Capping The Comb

To get at the good stuff, we'll have to uncap the honeycomb. This is an oddly satisfying thing to do. It feels a bit like slicing butter with a hot knife.

The uncapped frames are then rigged into the honey-extractor. That thing is basically just a huge tumbler spinning the frames so quickly that all the gooey sticky fresh delicious golden honey gets forced out of the comb by centrifugal forces.

Loading The Tumbler

Tumbler Spinning

Time for the Moneyshot!

We're almost done, now let it flow

Opening The Valve

We made 12kg of greatness today

Honey Is Flowing

There are some small chunks of wax left in there, so it will have to be screened through some progressively finer meshes before it's ready to get jarred.

Sticky Gooey Goodness

A Bucket Full Of Liquid Gold

Now Look at This:


The Finished Product

Time for toast with butter and honey!

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