Have another Drink with Dadview!

So today is Friday again and I am still on my Christmas vacation. New Years Eve is right around the corner. So I thought some of you may want to "Have another drink with Dadview"! A while back I wrote a post called Great Local Beers. I love buying local when I can. Craft breweries are everywhere now. I would highly recommend to all of you readers to experiment and find a beer that is local to you. Then you can share one of your local beers with me. I promise if you recommend it then I will try it (if I can find it).

So lets get on with the promised drink we were going to have together.


This week I found a Premium Red Ale by the Lost Craft Brewing Company. The beer is named “Crimzen” and contains a 4.7% alcohol by volume.
The snowman jar was made by my son Luke at school. It is a candle holder and he was super proud of it, so I thought I would add it as a prop to my blog!


As you can see on the back of the can this beer was brewed in Toronto Ontario. The Lost Craft motto is "Think Global, Drink Local". It seems like the idea is to get inspiration from beers around the world and try to produce a local craft beer with similar style. This was is stated to be an English-Style Red Ale inspired by the United Kingdom.
I love the quote that they are committed to being active in the communities that they operate. I haven't done any research to see if they back up this statement but hope that they do.


This beer looks great after pouring. It has a great copper, bronze type colour to it. Just the right amount of head is produced. The foam is slightly coloured as well and doesn't pop and disappear right away. Gives it a great look. I am a big fan of red beers, so after a good looking pour I am struggling not to pound this baby down.
Okay, here we go.... now for the fun part.
"Cheers to cold Beers!"


The first drink was plesent so I took a much larger gulp. It was actually a rather smooth drinking light tasting beer. I was expecting more of a heavier beer from a crafted red. It had mild but good flavours. It was enjoyable. I would say that it was slightly bitter but not too bitter. The pint went down very easily. I think that this is a beer that many people would enjoy. It didn't really have the craft brew taste.
In my opinion this beer was enjoyable and would definately say it is worth a try.
I would give it a 6.5 or 7 out of 10.

Anyway, if you decided to crack open a cold one on the lovely Friday evening and have a drink with me, let me know what you were drinking so that I can give it a try!

Happy Holidays from Dadview!


Darryl (@dadview) is a loving husband and father who enjoys spending time with his family no matter the activity.
He is an active member of The Alliance and teamcanada
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