Belgium Beers #3 - Westvleteren -- One of the best beers of the world

The Westvleteren is a brewery founded in the year 1838 at the Trappist Abbey of Saint Sixtus in Vleteren in wonderful Belgium.

by Trappist Westvleteren

The brewery's three beers have acquired an international reputation for taste and quality, Westvleteren 12 being considered by some to be the best beer in the world.[1] The beers are not brewed to normal commercial demands but are sold in small quantities weekly from the doors of the monastery itself to individual buyers on an advance-order basis.

A Crate with 24 bottles

Westvleteren Case.jpg by Trappist Westvleteren

Store the bottles vertically in a dark place between 12° and 16° C. It is better not to refrigerate Trappist 8 and Trappist 12; Trappist Blond, on the other hand, may also be served cooled.

The tasting glas

As you may know, every brewery has his own style of glas with a special form and it come always with the Logo on it.

by Trappist Westvleteren

The different beers

The most known Westvleteren 12 comes with around 10 Vol% of alcohol and they say that this is one of the best beers you can get.

  • Trappist Westvleteren 12 (XII), Quadrupel (Quad), 10.20 Vol%
  • Trappist Westvleteren 8 (VIII), Dubbel, 8.00 Vol%
  • Trappist Westvleteren Blonde, Belgian Pale Ale, 5.80 Vol%
    Westvleteren 3 beer.jpg
    by Brewbokeh

Where to Buy

This is not so easy, as the Abbey states on their website

Westvleteren Trappist is only available for sale to private individuals, and on the condition that each person who purchases this beer agrees not to re-sell it. The customer is the consumer. The cash register receipt states that he may not market the beer, and the customer can be called to account for this.

That is really different and they further say:

MOST customers observe these special conditions in good faith, showing respect for the way the brothers have been organizing sales at the Abbey for years. Unfortunately however, from time to time there have been abuses. Those who do not observe these special conditions should realize that: Whenever a consumer buys with the intention of selling, when he also has a profit motive, and when this happens with a certain regularity, he is actually a dealer, and all the fiscal and administrative obligations which apply to dealers have to be observed. A dealer who neglects these obligations is liable to criminal penalties.

And if you not behave like this

Cafés and beer stores which purchase beer from such “consumers” can be guilty of third party complicity to breach of contract.


Our beer is sold by the crate, with 24 bottles per crate. From the 1st of November 2015 on, the beer prices (excluding the deposit for the crate and the bottles) are :

  • Trappist Westvleteren Blond (5,8 vol.% ABV) 32,00 euros
  • Trappist Westvleteren 8 (dark) (8 vol.% ABV) 37,00 euros
  • Trappist Westvleteren 12 (dark) (10,2 vol.% ABV) 42,00 euros

Deposit for empty bottles and crate: 12 euros (9.60 euros for the crate plus 0.10 euros per bottle).

Where to find the Abbey

w beer.PNG by Google
Here is a link to Google Maps to find you way to the Abbey to get your beer

A crate after a few days

Whenever you got this wow beer, the sad thing will be, that your crate will look soon like this.

Westvleteren Case empty.jpg

Enjoy your day with a great beer and tell me which one you had.

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Belgium Beers #3 - Westvleteren

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