Beer Review: Session Premium Lager from Full Sail Brewing in Hood River, Oregon - with a Contest

An old-school beer from one of Oregon's oldest craft breweries. Come into my post and enjoy a beer with me!

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An Old-School Beer

It's in a stubby bottle with only 11 ounces instead of the usual 12. It's a throwback to a traditional Pacific Northwest bottle style that originally evaded state laws that applied only to beer bottles 12 ounces and larger. Crafty brewers! And it makes their beer look less expensive at the store, too, lol. Crafty brewers!

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This bottle is old-school all the way. No twist-top here. As the cap in the top photo says, "Requires tools". Unless you know how to pop a cap without tools. That's a crafty beer drinker!

This Session Premium an all-malt lager, so there's no additional sugars or added flavors in this beer. Just malted barley and wheat. That's old school. And it's a Session-style beer - low alcohol (5.1% ABV) and low bitterness (18 IBU) - meant for having a few in one session. That's old school, too.

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That "Paper" under the cap? That's for playing Rock-Paper-Scissors with other folks, while you are all drinking Session Premium Lagers together.

From An Old Oregon Brewery

Oregon has a lot of craft breweries. Almost 250 in 2016 -- and more appear every few months, at least where I live! Full Sail Brewery is in Hood River, right along the big Columbia River, in the Columbia Gorge. It's a hot spot for windsurfing, because the river is roaring down to the ocean and the wind is roaring up the gorge. So the Full Sail name is from the windsurfing boards.

Full Sail Brewing is one of the oldest craft breweries in Oregon, started in 1987. That's old for the United States! They are big enough now to be considered a regional brewery, selling in at least 28 states. For most of their time, they've been an employee-owned company. But the employee stock holders voted to sell to an investment company in 2015. So far, it hasn't affected the beer quality, in my view.

How's It Taste?

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Really good! It's not a memorable flavor. But it's clean and smooth. Folks that prefer a more bitter beer, with lots of hops, won't make this Session Premium Lager their favorite. It doesn't have any complex flavors, so folks that want to savor every sip, won't make this their favorite, either. But for folks that want to quench their thirst or that like a simple, straightforward beer? I'd recommend this beer.

I can see how Session Premium Lager is considered a beer for drinking in quantity, lol. But that's not how I drink. I usually just have a small glass of beer with lunch or dinner. Because this beer doesn't have any strong flavors, it will go well with most any food, like my recent Winter Weed Vegan Sandwich.

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My Winter Weed Vegan Sandwich and Session Premium Lager were really good together!

What's the Contest?

I live in Oregon, where there are still a lot of loggers. And they do drink lagers. Tell me a joke about loggers and lagers. I'll give 1 SBD to my favorite one. Put your jokes in the comments below, before this post closes for payout. I'll choose my favorite and report it in my next beer review!

What Do You Think?

  • Have you ever had Full Sail Session Ale?
  • Have you seen any Full Sail Brewing Co. beer in your local stores?
  • Do you like an all-malt beer?
  • What's your trick for getting the cap off a beer bottle without an opener?

Haphazard Homestead

foraging, gardening, nature, simple living close to the land

All content is 100% Haphazard Homestead!
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