Hello steemit,
today I will present you another beer that I enjoyed at Brenta Dolomites in year 2013 during a Trans Alp Bike Cross.

It's the Beck's Pilsener, that I carried up on the mountain, because the shelter was out of service.
I started my tour at beautiful Lago di Tovel.

It was a bike and hike tour, so I used my mountain bike for the first part of the tour. The bike trail ended at this shelter.

I hiked for another hour to the next shelter, enjoying the impressive Brenta Dolomites.

It was already afternoon, and I was too late to hike to Campo Flavona.

That's why I stopped my tour here, and enjoyed my beer. cheers!

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The Beer Log
In case you visit my blog the first time in your life, please also watch and upvote the previous episodes of this series.
#12 - Rosenheimer Hefe Weissbier
#11 - König Pilsener
#10 - Fendt Dieselroß Öl
#9 - Rothaus Pils
#8 - Unertl Ursud
#7 - Radeberger Pilsener
#6 - Irseer Kloster-Urtrunk
#5 - Maxlrainer Helles
#4 - Flensburger Pilsener
#3 - Perlenbacher Radler alkoholfrei
#2 - Kuchlbauer Aloysius
#1 - Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Märzen
German Beer Of The Day On Tour
#3 - Erdinger Urweisse at Munich Airport
#2 - Hacker Pschorr Münchner Hell at Alter Wirt Forstenried
#1 - Allgäuer Büble infront of Neuschwanstein Castle
Drink Responsible!