My Whaletank Experience: What I'm Doing With My $2000+ Prize

("Whale Tank will help your project get seen... and paid." @officialfuzzy)

I was honored to be the first guest to appear on Whale Tank, a special new BeyondBitcoin hangout created by @officialfuzzy. Whale Tank collects whales together to listen to your project and possibly invest, similar to what Shark Tank does for small businesses.

I was there to promote the Hairshares Project, which aims to motivate and reward those willing and able to donate their hair to worthy causes.

First I had to RSVP for the hangout, by leaving a comment on the Whale Tank RSVP post. There I left key information for the Whale Tank panel to consider.

Project/Topic Name/News Piece
Relevant Steemit Tag?
Appropriate links to share?
Steemit and/or Mumble account name of Representative/Speaker
How should we Introduce you/your project/your news coverage?
What is your bitshares account name?

If your project receives enough votes, you'll make it onto the official Whale Tank lineup.

(Image via @redtravels)

Grab your best set of headphones, set up push to talk on Mumble (tutorial here by @rawbinhutt) and be ready to tell the community about your project and answer a few common questions.

Why does your project need a token?
What gives your token value?
How will you distribute your token?
How will you expand your project?

Each speaker has 15 minutes to explain their project and take questions. You can "buy" extra time by giving @officialfuzzy tokens to distribute to the listeners, like @cm-steem (Gridcoin) and @forrestwillie (Peerity) did last week.

In the end, I was able to secure a prize of 1000 BeyondBits tokens for my appearance. Here is my plan on what to do with them.

Official Hairshares Post-Promotion (50%)

While Hairshares has received some nice support, it is still a fledgling community trying to become noticed by the masses on Steemit. The ability of Whaleshares and BeyondBits to boost a post's visibility is unreal.

This will also translate to more SP for the @nepd account, which is used to upvote those posts/comments that help the Hairshares community. Eventually, the Hairshare token will be able to be traded for a vote from the @nepd account, but that will require more SP/delegated SP.

Hairshares Donor Rewards (40%)

If someone is willing to donate their hair to a worthy cause (like @lenadr and @patelincho), they should be rewarded handsomely.

In addition to winning the Hairshares Progressive Jackpot, I'll also use BeyondBits to upvote posts of those that donate their hair.

HAIRSHARE <---> BEYONDBIT Bitshares Trading Pair (10%)

You can already trade Hairshare for Bitshares or Whaleshares on the @bitshares platform, but I'd also like to start a trading pair with BeyondBits. I'll use 100 of them to offer another avenue of value for the token.

How To Donate To The Hairshares Project

Read the Hair Donation Tutorial to find out the requirements to send in your hair.

If you would like to donate/delegate SP, Whaleshares, BeyondBits, your own tokens or anything to help the cause and reward hair donors, feel free to reach out to me. You can make a one-time donation to this account which helps upvote those that help the Hairshares community, or add to the Jackpot prize pool.

Interested in donating? Find me on the Hairshares Discord Channel on the Whaleshares Server or leave a comment below.

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