Trump, crypto, ICO. Which is more tulip?

Which is more tulip?

The Tulip Bubble
From an already overpriced base, Dutch tulips increased in value 20 times!
In a month!

Trump’s rally?



  The fact is that a bubble market 
  has allowed the creation of bubble companies, 
  entities designed more with an eye to making 
  money off investors rather than for them. 
  Too often, an IPO, not profits, 
  was the primary goal of a 
  company’s  promoters.
      Warren Buffett,
       2000 AD, annual letter to 
      Berkshire Hathaway shareholders.

Trump’s rally

By buying at the top of the market, is Trump taking credit for the stock market rally?

Tulip Fever is the Tom Stoppard story of a Dutch married noblewoman & her lover attempting to raise money together by punting what little they have in the tulip market during the Tulip Wars.

When will cryptocurrencies pop?

Being created through blockchains, are cryptocurrencies unique & different in that they are immune to human nature?

  Amsterdam speculated on tulip bulbs, 
  wagering everything on what colour tulips, 
  the tulip bulbs would yield. 
  Everyone speculated in the hope of winning 
  the tulip with striped, or _broken_ petals.

Why is Paris Hilton pushing an ICO?

Why have the Chinese banned Initial Coin Offerings?

Why did Floyd Mayweather promoted Hubii ICO fall far short of market expectations?
Is Paris Hilton joining the ICO party, as well?

The Tulip Bubble
Skyrocketing tulip prices encouraged the Dutch to trade land, life savings & any asset that they could liquidate to hoard tulip bulbs, in the belief that they could palm off their hoard of tulips onto greedy & ignorant foreigners. For supernormal, speculative profits.

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